Помогите, очень срочно. Спасибо!

IV Вставьте необходимую форму There is или It is вместо пробелов. Переведите предложения.
1. It was hard to decide what was the best thing to do.
2. It is time to go to bed.
3. There are still several empty seats in the plane when I arrived.
4. There was no one at home when I called for him.
5. It is time to finish this exercise before we go.
6. There are two guests coming for the week-end.
7. It has been a long time since I saw such a beautiful sunset.
1. Трудно было решить, что было лучше всего сделать.
2. Пора ложиться спать.
3. Когда я пришел, в самолете еще оставалось несколько свободных мест.
4. Когда я зашёл за ним, дома никого не было.
5. Пора закончить это упражнение, прежде чем мы уйдем.
6. На выходные приезжают двое гостей.
7. Давно я не видел такого прекрасного заката.
V Поставить предложения в косвенной речи, вставляя said или told.
Образец: I am ill - He said that he was ill.
1. He said that they would be there soon.
2. He said that he thought she was married.
3. He said that he had just been to the butcher's.
4. He said that he had fallen downstairs.
5. He said that he didn't know what he would say.
6. He said that he would leave it on the table.