Помогите сделать задание 55.5

Ex. 55. 5. Подберите слово и его определение:
1. Bottle bank B: A large bin for recycling glass bottles and jars.
2. Deforestation H: Cutting or burning down large areas of forest.
3. Endangered species C: An area of countryside where animals and plants are protected.
4. Fossil fuels J: Sources of energy such as wood, coal and oil
5. Litter E: Small pieces of rubbish thrown carelessly on the ground.
6. Nature reserve F: Animals or plants that are close to becoming extinct.
7. Oil slick D: This is caused when larger amounts of oil are spilt into the sea.
8. Oil tanker A: A very large ship for transporting oil.
9. Reservoir G: A man-made lake for collecting and storing large amounts of water.
10. Smog I: A mixture of fog and smoke or pollution that hangs above some cities.