Предмет: Литература, автор: vsuf3846277364

напишите пожалуйста . мини-сочинение из 20 предложений на тему : образы животных в баснях И.А. Крылова


Автор ответа: LюКа

Басня - уникальное стихотворное произведение, в котором мораль преподносится как итог аллегорического развития сюжета. Главными действующими лицами в баснях являются животные или предметы. Животные в произведениях антропоморфны. Они мыслят, говорят, действуют, словом воплощают образ человека, его тип, характер.

Еще в древние времена, когда охота была главным занятием человека, изучая повадки животных, люди подмечали характерные особенности каждого вида. Из сказок и мифов мы знаем, что заяц трусоват, лиса хитра, а волк - разбойник. Баснописцы умело вплетают образы животных в повествование, создавая определенные характеры. У крылова трудится муравей,  льстит лиса, судит лев, музицирует соловей, кривляется мартышка.

Но те только характеры или пороки олицетворяют собой представители фауны. Целые социальные категории воплощают собой четвероногие: лев - власть, конь - крестьянство, волк - лихих людей, домашние животные - мещанство.

Естественность и простота, с которой читатель воспринимает происходящее в мире животных, позволяет автору раскрыть порок во всей полноте. Если бы в баснях присутствовал человек, то восприятие было иное. Мы смеемся и цитируем строки бессмертных басен. Одновременно в каждом зреет понимание аллегории, понимание того, что человек, обладая венцом творения - разумом, несовершенен. Баснописец раскрывает нам глаза на нас самих, на наши слабости и пороки. А уж быть человеком или уподобиться четвероногим - решать каждому самостоятельно.

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1. Fill in the gap: My sister _______ tea every day

a. Drink

b. drank

c. drinks

d. is drinking

e. will drink

2. Fill in the gap: My father__ an engineer

a. -

b. Am

c. Are

d. is

e. to be

3. Translate the following sentence: Мои родители работают каждый день.

a. My parents is work every day.

b. My parents are work every day.

c. My parents work every day.

d. My parents working every day.

e. My parents is working every day.

4. Complete the sentence: What music ___ you listening now?

a. Does

b. Do

c. did

d. will

e. are

5. Find and correct a mistake: I ______ eat an apple in 5 min.

a. am

b. -

c. will

d. do

e. are

6. Fill in the gap: My mother will prepare lunch next weekends, ___?

a. didn’t she?

b. does she?

c. don’t I?

d. isn’t she?

e. won’t she?

7. Transform the following sentence into a choice question: I celebrated my birthday last week

a. Did I celebrate my birthday last week or last month?

b. When did I celebrate my birthday?

c. Am I celebrate my birthday last year or last month?

d. I celebrated my birthday last week, didn’t I?

e. Did I celebrate my birthday last week?

8. Fill in the gap: She ___ tea every day

a. drink

b. drinks

c. is drinking

d. drank

e. drinking

9. Transform the following sentence into negative: My friends will swim in the pool next week.

a. My friends didn’t swim in the pool next week.

b. My friends doesn’t swam in the pool next week.

c. My friends aren’t swim in the pool next week.

d. My friends won’t swim in the pool next week.

e. My friends don’t swim in the pool next week.

10. Fill in the gap: I am free on weekends, ____?

a. isn’t I?

b. am not I?

c. don’t I?

d. aren’t I?

e. doesn’t I?

11. Fill correct form of to be: My friends ___ in Turkey next year.

a. lives

b. live

c. will live

d. is living

e. is

12. Translate the following sentence: Она читала книгу час назад.

a. She is reading a book an hour ago.

b. She is not reading a book an hour ago.

c. She reads a book an hour ago.

d. She are reading a book an hour ago.

e. She read a book an hour ago.

13. Transform the following sentence into negative: We bought a car last year.

a. We aren’t buy a car last year.

b. We didn’t bought a car last year.

c. We don’t buy a car last year.

d. We don’t bought a car last year

e. We didn’t buy a car last year.

14. Transform the following sentence into a Who question: They wrote letters yesterday.

a. Who wrote letters yesterday?

b. Who writes letters yesterday?

c. Who did write letters yesterday?

d. Who do write letters yesterday?

e. Who does write letters yesterday?

15. Fill in the gap: We ___ you yesterday.

a. Sees

b. See

c. Saw

d. are see

e. are saw

16. Complete the following sentence: We ____ pizza last week.

a. Are eating

b. is eating

c. eat

d. eats

e. ate

17. Fill in the gap: My parents ______ at work yesterday.

a. would

b. is

c. was

d. were

e. are

18. Fill in the gap: I ____at the stadium every day.

a. Are running

b. is running

c. am running

d. run

e. runs

19. Translate the following sentence: Я стараюсь не ест фаст фуд.

a. I am trying to eat fast food.

b. I try do not to eat fast food.

c. I try not to eat fast food.

d. I do not try to eat fast food.

e. I did not try to eat fast food.

20. Transform the following sentence into a tail question: I was at school last month.

a. I was at school last month, weren’t I?

b. I was at school last month, was I?

c. I was at school last month, wasn’t I?

d. Was I at school last month, wasn’t I?

e. Was I at school last month, was I?

21. Fill in the gap: Movie ___ interesting last night.

a. were

b. was

c. is

d. are

e. would

22. Translate the following sentence: Кто хочет есть?

a. Who wants eat?

b. Who wants to eat?

c. Who wanted to eat?

d. Who want to eat?

e. Who wants to eats?

23. Transform the following sentence into a tail question: Aliya cleaned the house last week.

a. Aliya cleaned the house last week , doesn’t she?

b. Aliya cleaned the house last week, will Aliya?

c. Aliya cleaned the house last week, didn’t she?

d. Aliya cleaned the house last week, won’t she?

e. Aliya cleaned the house last week, doesn’t Aliya?

24. Transform the following sentence into a special question: Phones were expensive last year.

a. Why will phones expensive last year?

b. Why phones be expensive last year?

c. Why were phones expensive last year?

d. Why do phones will be expensive last year?

e. Why will phones be expensive last year?

25. Translate the following sentence: Ей нравится танцевать.

a. She likes to dance.

b. She likes to dances.

c. She liked to dance.

d. She likes dance.

e. She likes dances.

Предмет: Алгебра, автор: собака410