Предмет: Английский язык, автор: serpen725

5,6 допоможіть виконати



Автор ответа: MaryFairy211


It's a busy day in the house.

Patty Williams is reading a book.

Charlie Sharp is washing his socks.

Mrs. Green is playing with her cat.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis are washing the window.

Mr. Lee is painting his bedroom.

Mrs. Harris is cleaning her living-room.

Bobby Jones is repairing his bike.


1. I'm in the bathroom now. I'm washing my face and brushing my teeth.

2. My mother and I are in the kitchen. We are cooking the meal. I'm peeling the potatoes and my mother is cutting the carrot.

3. At the moment my parents are watching TV, my sister (brother) is playing with our dog and I'm playing a game on my phone.

4. My mum is at work now. I suppose she's checking her email. My dad is driving to work now. My sister is at school now. She's  having a maths lesson now.

MaryFairy211: ок
serpen725: Started можно читати як стартед?
serpen725: Статед?
MaryFairy211: статед подойдет
serpen725: А статід тогда Как?
MaryFairy211: неважно, статид или статед, потому что ударение падает на первый слог. а во втором слоге просто безударный слог и он нечетко произносится
MaryFairy211: там звук нейтральный, обозначается так ə
serpen725: 1)головну подію 2019 року- вечірку в стилі стиляг 2)головну подію 2019 року стиляги шоу
MaryFairy211: 1) the main event of 2019, that is the Stilyagi style party,
2) the main event of 2019, (that is) the Stilyagi show
serpen725: А в 2 речення те що в дужках треба чи мож без того
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