Предмет: Литература, автор: 33336

какие произведения о первой мировой войне вы знаете!? русских писателей


Автор ответа: сашаа234567
Пикуля: "Моонзунд" и "Честь Имею" Пастернаковский "Доктор Живаго". Эпопея Сергеева-Ценского "Преображение России"
Автор ответа: shedrinalex
Ремарк,Эрнст Юнгер "В стальных грозах", Анри Барбюс "Огонь", Ярослав Гашек "Похождения бравого солдата Швейка", Эрнст Хэмингуэй "Прощай, оружие!". Отчасти - М. Шолохов "Тихий Дон", Энтон Майрер "Однажды орел".
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Only for the brave!
Posted by Paul | 31.08.2010

I've just come back from one of the most terrifying
experiences of my life: the Caminito del Rey. You wouldn't
believe how scary it is, but I've walked up it and felt very
afraid! The Caminito del Rey is near Malaga in Spain. The
name means 'the king's little path', altrough for years, people
have been calling it 'the most dangerous path in the world'.
Now I've seen it, I understand why!

The Caminito is a one-metre-wide path, 100 metres up a
cliff, above the beautiful Guadalhorce River and Hoyo Valley.
It's more than 100 years old. Workers used to use it to get
from the Chorro Falls to the Gaitanejo Falls. Over the years,
holes have formed along the path and some parts of it are
completely missing. You obviously need to be extremely
careful there.

I recommend this path to people who love epic challenges.
The views are amazing, but there have been some serious
accidents here. So, it's definitely not for people who haven't
climbed rocks before.

Update 06.09.2015

I've been visiting Spain this week and I returned to the
Caminito yesterday. Guess what? They've replaced the old
path! The new path is made of wood and is very safe. I hear
they've been working on it for four years, and have spent
nearly 10 millions! This has attracted more visitors to the cliff,
but for me, the real thrill of the danderous journey has gone.

Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

1. Who does the writer recommend the Caminito
path to?
2. Why does he post an update?
3. How does the writer's oponion change from his
first visit to his second?
4. What can you say about the character of the
writer from the posts?