Помогите решить задание 5

Тут ничего не видно!!!
Сфоткай все заново.
1 A: These flowers are great.
B: They were sent (send) to me yesterday by one of my fans.
2 A: Have you ever appeared on TV?
B: Actually, I (have been recently asked) to take part in a show.
3 A: When will I have my car?
B: It (will be delivered) to your house the day after tomorrow.
4 A: So, when did they tell you about the robbery?
B: I (was informed) by the police as soon as they found out.
5 A: Why can't we go over the bridge?
B: Because it (is being repaired) at the moment.
6 A: I'm tired.
B: So am I. But these reports must (be typed) before we leave.
7 A: Who looks after your baby when you're at work?
B: Well, he (is looked after) by my mother.
8 A: Those pictures are beautiful.
B: They (were painted) by my father while he was on holiday last summer.
9 A: Who does the washing-up in your house?
B: The dishes (are washed) by my brotherand then they (are dried) by my sister.
10 A: Why can't I use your car?
B: Because it (is being serviced) at the moment. You can take Mum's car if you want.
11 A: Did you post the letters?
B: No, they (had already been posted) by the time I came in.
12 A: What will happen to the criminals?
B: They (will be punished) for their crimes.
13 A: That's a very pretty tablecloth.
B: It (was given) to me last year for my birthday.
14 A: Have you moved house yet?
B: Yes. The last boxes (have just been moved).
15 A: Have you heard about Jack?
B: Yes, he (has been promoted) to senior manager.