ребят, помогите,надо выбрать и описать ситуацию,150-200слов,из интернета не брать!
Hey everybody.
I have an problem, it just happened now. I have lost my phone, but I don't know where I have lost it. I guess I must forgot my phone at the school or in the car. I already have told my parents and friends about this accident. This phone was veri important for me because I had a lot of pictures there. There were pictures of my relatives, of my best friends and my boyfriend. Those pictures were very important for me so I must not lose it, oh my God, I am so unlucky. Also I had a lot of important documents on my Word program. It was a project for the lesson. I did that project for long time but now I just lost, oh, it is my sadness for now.
I am thinking of making an advertising about my phone I hope anyone will be kind person, he will find my phone and give me it back.
I guess you are interested in the model of my phone. It was an iPhone 6 Plus. Yeah! It was so expensive to buy it. But now I have just lost it. I'm so sad I want to cry.
I really hope that soon my phone will be found. Now I have to go outside and try to find it anyway! Maybe it will be success for me and I'll find it.
See you soon.
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