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bviously, not all regions are developing at the same pace. According to world Bank Experts, in countries with higher growth rates, people simply work more, study more, have a higher level of savings. The success of any economy and progress is based on very simple things: work, study, accumulation, no economic miracles, magic powder or magic wand.
During the 1990s, the United States regained its leading position. This is evident from the analysis of the shares of the world market of securities owned by US companies and in Japan.
Five years ago, it seemed that nothing could stop Asians, and especially Japan, but as the new Millennium approached, many of them encountered an insurmountable barrier. What's the matter? Should we be surprised? The short answer is no. At the end of the era of industrialization, we paid more and more attention to efficiency, operation, planned, consistent improvements in products and mass production, trying to produce another product, exactly the same as the previous one, just a little bit better. Those who succeeded were wizards who could do better than anyone else. They surpassed all, doing everything absolutely correctly.
Объяснение: только я не уверена что это правельный ответ. не убивайте (0-0)