I. Form Participle II from the following verbs:
to ask, to use, to build, to call, to found, to find, to condense, to reduce, to cool, to keep, to support, to award, to concern, to offer, to cut, to place, to encourage, to know, to develop, to limit, to direct, to move, to shape, to arrange, to hold, to give, to invite, to include, to design, to make, to present, to write, to derive, to reach, to take, to think, to obtain, to speak, to pay, to send.
to ask - asked,
to use-used,
to build-built,
to call-called,
to found-founded,
to find-found,
to condense-condensed,
to reduce-reduced,
to cool-cooled,
to keep-kept,
to support-supported,
to award-awarded,
to concern-concerned,
to offer-offered,
to cut-cut,
to place-placed,
to encourage-encouraged,
to know-known,
to develop-developed,
to limit-limited,
to direct-directed,
to move-moved,
to shape-shaped,
to arrange-arranged,
to hold-held,
to give-given,
to invite-invited,
to include-included,
to design-designed,
to make-made,
to present-presented,
to write-written,
to derive-derived,
to reach-reached,
to take-taken,
to think-thought,
to obtain-obtained,
to speak-spoken,
to pay-payed,
to send-sent.
Past Participle (Participle II) — причастие прошедшего времени
Такие причастия образуются с помощью окончания «-ed» (если глагол правильный) или 3-й формы (если неправильный).