Предмет: Обществознание, автор: masha1239453

Помогите пожалуйста
«Человека можно назвать нравственным лишь тогда, когда жизнь для него настолько священна, что он ценит жизнь растений и животных наравне с жизнью своего ближнего, и когда он с готовностью посвящает себя помощи всем живым существам, которые в этой помощи нуждаются». (А. Швейцер)
Определите пожалуйста,какую проблему поднимает автор, какой смысл высказывания?


Автор ответа: eternalmartyr

Автор поднимает проблему непонимания людей. Прочитав это высказывание,мы задумаваемся о том ,что нужно ценить свою жизнь и помогать другим. Помогая другим ,мы не только не обеднеем,но и станем лучше ,мудрее,обритем что-то новое.

Автор ответа: varvara101283

Проблема в том что многие люди не берегут растения и животных.Думают что они на этой планете самые главные.Но на самом деле мы не выжили без животных и растений которые украшают и спасают на планету.А мы её рушим

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There are many interesting and noble
professions in our country. I want to be-
come a doctor.
I like this profession and I am eager
to get a medical education and work
at a hospital.
It is a good tradition in our family. My
mother is a doctor, my grandfather is
a doctor and I want to be a doctor, too.
When I was a little boy, my grandfa-
ther worked at a hospital and I spent
some time at the hospital with him. He is
a skilled surgeon and works in a surgical
Day after day he takes care of his hos-
pital patients, he treats them well. He is
very attentive. Every day he comes into
the ward asking patients, "How are you
He wants all people to be able-bodied
and he tries to treat his in-patients prop-erly.
To operate on persons is his main task.
He is a kind and skilled surgeon.
Every day he comes into the operating-
room and operates on his in-patients. Af-
ter each operation he takes care of his in-
patients. Day by day he helps them to re-
cover and he is glad when he can say,
"My in-patient is quite recovered."
Sometimes he advises his in-patients to
go to sanatoriums after leaving the hos-
pital. He instructs them in detail what
they can do and eat after their opera-
My grandfather tells me a lot of true
stories about doctors, their profession
and how they help people.
I respect my grandfather. I like his
profession and I dream about becoming a
doctor too.

1) Are there many professions in this country?
2. What kind of professions do you like?
(3) Have you got any traditions in your family!
4. What do your parents do?
5. Where does your grandfather work?
6. What does he do?
7) Your gråndfather likes his work, doesn't he?
8. What do you want to be?
9. Does your grandfather tell you anything abovh
his work?
10. You want to be a doctor, don't

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