Напишите пожалуйста краткое содержание сказки "Goldilocks and the three bears" на английском
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The tale "three bears" tells the story of a girl who ran away from home lost in the woods and found a house in which the bears lived. The bears were not at home and a girl came in. She behaved badly: ate from each Cup, broke a chair, lay on all beds. The bears came home hungry and tired. They got angry when they saw someone eating from their cups, broke their chair. And, when I went to the bedroom saw that someone else was lying on the bed. Suddenly the bear saw a girl and screamed. The girl jumped out the window and ran away. ( Тут я написала о чём сама сказка )
This fairy tale teaches not only that it is necessary to obey parents and not to enter someone else's house without an invitation, but also teaches the count to three and the concept of size: large, medium, small. ( Тут я написала чему она учит , если хочешь можешь взять )