Предмет: Литература, автор: lecheralex

Что помогло машинисту Мальциву избежать трагической ситуации? Какие действия предпринял помощник?


Автор ответа: Аноним

1)Мальцев - самый лучший машинист в депо. он заслужил уважения своих коллег, его ценят мастера. Мальцев же лишь позволяет с собой общаться,свысока смотря на коллег. Он хорошо ладит со всей техникой, и в этом его преимущество перед остальными машинистами.

Но во время одной грозы молния временно слепит Мальцева, Костя взял управление поездом на себя, смог избежать аварии. именно Костя помог избежать трагической ситуации...

2)  Суд и наказание Мальцева не оставили Костю равнодушным. Он упорно пытается доказать невиновность Мальцева. и в этом он изобретателен,умён и очень настойчив.

Константин добивается оправдания Мальцева,через опыт на установке Тесла. Старика отпускают, но он окончательно слепнет во время эксперимента. Константин же взял Мальцева на поезд и доверил управлять составом.Человек с большим сердцем не оставляет слепого ,внушил  ему надежду и совершил  чудо, зрение вернулось к старику.

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The USA has probably one of the most "mixed population in the world. It's sometimes called the "New World" The first Americans were the Native Americans. There are about 2 million of them today. Their ancestors came to America over "a land bridge" from Asia 40,000 years before Columbus. Native Americans who were very peaceful people lived in small groups of about 20-50. They worked on the farms and were first to grow the plants that we now eat: potatoes, maize, beans, tomatoes pineapples and many more.

Many years later in the 1600s, people arrived from Europe. The first groups came from England and France. Today about 32 million Americans have English ancestors from over 300 years ago. The Europeans also took people by force from Africa to work for them in the "New World". As slaves, they had a very hard life and most of them died during the journey to America and on tobacco and cotton fields. There are about 30 million black Americans in the USA today. More recently, people have come to the United States from other parts of the world. About 58 million of Americans have German ancestors and about 39 million have Irish ancestors. From 1860 to 1920, more people came from other European countries such as Russia, Greece, Turkey, and Italy. There are also a lot of people from Spanish speaking countries such as Cuba, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and people from Asian countries such as China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines. In total, there are about 7.5 million Asian Americans.

As many people came from different countries, there were thousands of different languages and tribes in America. The interesting thing is that people came with their own culture, customs and traditions to this new land. For example, the Germans brought Christmas trees, the Scots brought Halloween, etc.
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