Написати про 3 найстрашніших природних катаклізмів(торнадо, цунамі і т.д), на англ. мові Поможіть, срочно!!! (Хотя би на укр. Мові)
our earth suffers from constant volcanoes, falls, meteorites, etc.
I believe that the biggest cataclysms are the eruption of a volcano, an earthquake and a tsunami. All these natural phenomena are a huge damage to our planet. From the earthquake destroyed the largest building. the fabric of the Earth is torn off. The volcano's eruption is affected by land and the environment. Air, tectonic plates and so on.Tunis is also very dangerous. It does not simply destroy buildings or pollute the air, it literally breaks the ground. And it strongly affects people and their lives
Here are some examples: Mass 2011 tornado, USA. The United States does not get used to tornadoes, but 2011 turned out to be special. On the so-called "tributary alleys" (the territory between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians) during the period from April 25 to April 28, 362 tornadoes struck! Four of them were rated for power as EF5, the highest category with Fujita's improved scale, which usually only occur once a year. 348 people were killed, 2300 wounded, material damage was about $ 11 billion