make up a story about how to help poor children|ДАЮ 35 БАЛОВ
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Make up a story about how to help poor children
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Ulabykova1201 Новичок
Poor children haven' t place, where they can live. They haven' t money to buy food or clothes. Don' t lough to them. Because they aren' t виноваты, that they are poor.
Imagine, that you are poor and rich children are loughing to you. Isn' t обидно? So don' t lough to them.
Poor children..... When we hear thise words, some of us can think: " So why can't they become rich? ".
We can give them some money to buy food, clothes. We can also give them some of our food or clothes , that aren't нужны us.
If you don't want to help them, because you are жадный, don't destroy their poor childtime.