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After the game Peter told that he felt terrible. He had lost the game that day. He thought it had been his worst game. The worst he had played that winter. He was always afraid of missing the ball. They had lost the game 5 to 2. He had missed the ball many times. There had been too many people at the match, and he had been nervous. On the way home he had met Mike. He was a great footballer. He was a first class goalkeeper. Peter had met him on the sportsground. Mike had showed them how to kick properly and how to take penalties. Peter could hardly believe his eyes when he saw him taking goals. He was sorry he wasn't a professional footballer.
P.S. У меня такой вариант. Надеюсь Вам подойдёт. Немного начало сменила и заменила местоимения именами мальчиков, чтоб было понятнее кто есть кто, так как здесь при согласовании появляется he и he.