Помогите пожалуйста срочно нужен текст на английском языке. Тема: You are what you eat (Ты то, что ты ешь) минимум 9-10 предложений (максимально кратко). Только без парцеляции.
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It`s important to person to know what he eats and when. The bad food spoil our stomach, generally - all our organism. If we eat junk food not too much not every day our organism will be able cope with it. But if we bagan to eat it every day or every even week, our organism will not cope with torrent of bad ingredients.
Our body will fell bad, we will feel tiredness, pains in heart, slowness in moves.
In the end we can have problems with appendicitis. It is hard to fell bad.
It`s equally important to eat in definite time. In the morning our organism use much of energy to wake up, begin doing some moves. It means to eat the biggest part of day`s meal in the morning. But in the evening our organism is getting to sleep. Metabolism bacome slower. It means don`t eat too much in the evening.
don`t eat junk food. Do more morning exercise, walking, studing. And you will not have time to eat it.