Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: raisa2715
на английском информация про Атлантис с переводом
Автор ответа:
Атлантида — мифический остров-государство. Наиболее подробное описание Атлантиды известно по диалогам Платона; также известны упоминания и комментарии Геродота, Диодора Сицилийского, Посидония, Страбона, Прокла.Показания древних о местоположении Атлантиды неопределённы. По словам Платона, остров находился на западе от Геркулесовых столбов, напротив гор Атласа. Во время сильного землетрясения, сопровождавшегося наводнением, остров был поглощён морем в один день вместе со своими жителями — атлантами. Платон указывает время катастрофы как «9000 лет назад», то есть около 9500 г. до н. э.Интерес к рассказам об Атлантиде проявился в эпоху Возрождения. В современной науке вопросы о существовании Атлантиды являются спорными. В целом рассказ считается легендарным, но предпринимаются попытки найти реальные исторические факты и события, которые могли бы послужить основой легенды. Тема Атлантиды приобрела большую популярность в околонаучной и оккультно-мистической сфере, в частности существует специально разработанное в конце 1950-х годов учение атлантология.
Атлантида является популярным объектом в искусстве.
Atlantis is a mythical island-state. The most detailed description of Atlantis is known from the dialogues of Plato; Also known are the references and comments of Herodotus, Diodorus of Sicily, Posidonius, Strabo, Proclus. The testimony of the ancients about the location of Atlantis is uncertain. According to Plato, the island was located west of the Pillars of Hercules, opposite the Atlas Mountains. During a strong earthquake accompanied by flooding, the island was swallowed up by the sea on one day with its inhabitants, the Atlanteans. Plato indicates the time of the disaster as “9000 years ago,” that is, around 9500 BC. e. Interesting to stories about Atlantis manifested itself in the Renaissance. In modern science, questions about the existence of Atlantis are controversial. In general, the story is considered legendary, but attempts are being made to find real historical facts and events that could serve as the basis of the legend. The topic of Atlantis has become very popular in the near-scientific and occult-mystical field, in particular, there is a study of atlantology, which was specially developed in the late 1950s.
Atlantis is a popular object in art.
Атлантида является популярным объектом в искусстве.
Atlantis is a mythical island-state. The most detailed description of Atlantis is known from the dialogues of Plato; Also known are the references and comments of Herodotus, Diodorus of Sicily, Posidonius, Strabo, Proclus. The testimony of the ancients about the location of Atlantis is uncertain. According to Plato, the island was located west of the Pillars of Hercules, opposite the Atlas Mountains. During a strong earthquake accompanied by flooding, the island was swallowed up by the sea on one day with its inhabitants, the Atlanteans. Plato indicates the time of the disaster as “9000 years ago,” that is, around 9500 BC. e. Interesting to stories about Atlantis manifested itself in the Renaissance. In modern science, questions about the existence of Atlantis are controversial. In general, the story is considered legendary, but attempts are being made to find real historical facts and events that could serve as the basis of the legend. The topic of Atlantis has become very popular in the near-scientific and occult-mystical field, in particular, there is a study of atlantology, which was specially developed in the late 1950s.
Atlantis is a popular object in art.
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