Предмет: Литература, автор: tengri2007

Ассоциации к слову любовь


Автор ответа: masha8967
Любовь-семья, девушка, дети, розы, сердце
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б) ймовірно/неймовірно;
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Denis3055
а) Перепишите текст. Переведите его на русский язык.
б) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1) What force holds all the atoms of a star together?
2) Who first studied gravitation?
3) Is there any difference between Newton’s law of gravitation and Einstein’s?

Gravitation is a very important force in the universe. Every object has a gravitational pull which is like magnetism. But, unlike magnetism, gravitation is not only found in iron and steel. It is in every object, large or small; but large objects, such as Earth, have a stronger pull than small ones.
Isaac Newton, the great scientist of the seventeenth century, first studied gravitation. When he was a boy, he often saw how apples fell to the ground. He wondered why they fell towards the earth and why they did not fly up into the sky.
According to the law which he later produced everything in the universe attracts everything else towards itself. The sun attracts the earth and the earth attracts the sun. Although the bigger object has the stronger attraction, all objects, in fact, have some attraction, but we do not notice the gravitational pull of a book because the pull of the earth is much greater.
Why does the earth always move around the sun, and not fly off into cold space? The sun’s gravitation gives the answer. The earth always tries to move away in a straight line, but the sun always pulls it back. So it continues on its journey round and round the sun.
The sun is one of the stars in the galaxy, in which there are about 100,000 million stars. It is not in the middle of the galaxy, but rather near one edge.
Gravitation is the force which holds all the atoms of a star together. It holds the sun together and it holds the atoms of the earth together. It holds us on the earth. Einstein produced a new law of gravitation. Its main results are the same as the results of Newton’s law; but in very small and fine matters Einstein’s law gives different results. One of these is that gravitation bends light a little; but according to Newton’s law gravitation has very little effect on light. Einstein showed this fact by means of mathematics and not by experiment. Astronomers later proved by experiments that Einstein was right.
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