Предмет: Английский язык, автор: D1Y

помогите кто в английском шарит, написать сочинение на тему <почему у соседей в саду трава зеленее>/<пройти милю в чужих ботинках>/ <не суди о книге по обложке >- любая из 3-х тем.

D1Y: ап
D1Y: решите кто-нибудь плз


Автор ответа: arhangel13
1) "There are books that have only taste, there are those who are best to swallow, and only a few stands chew and digest..." Francis bacon
2)the Book is the last of our friends who do not deceive us, always remain with us and accused us of our old age. E. Фагэ
3)Work that read, has the present; a work that is reread, - has future. A. Dumas
4)Among the books, and among the people, you can get into good and bad company.
K. Гельвеций
5)"Reading for the first time with a good book, we experience the same feeling as when you purchase a new friend. Re-read already читанную book, then again to see an old friend." Voltaire
6)...the Book collect the pearls of human thought and transmit to their offspring.
7)I appreciate the book. Without a book cannot conceive of life, and work. Each book will certainly gives an impetus to work of reflection leaves a trace in the soul. This is one form of a conversation with a smart man, when are born new ideas is very important to clarify some of the issues that worry as a writer and as a person. So reading my interlocutor is in dispute whether, in accordance with which clarify his own thoughts are born again and углубляются.Ф.Абрамов
8)the Book - ships thoughts wandering on the waves of time and carefully carrying your cargo from generation to generation. Ф.Бэкон
9)the Book is the life of our time. All the need - both old and young.
10)Books are the friends. Impassive, but the faithful. Victor Hugo
11)Book is the spiritual legacy of one generation to another. А.Герцен
12)a Good book - a holiday. A.M.Gorky
13)...Love the book, it's easier for you life, friendly help to understand the colorful and vibrant confusing thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect the person and ourselves, it empowers the mind and heart with a sense of love to the world, man... A.M.Gorky
14)Love the book - a source of knowledge, only the knowledge of salvation, but it can make us spiritually strong, honest, reasonable people... A.M.Gorky
15)To me the book is a miracle, it holds the soul who wrote her; opening the book, I release the soul, and it mysteriously talks to me. A.M.Gorky
16)a Man with a good book can never be lonely. K.goldoni
17)«can we See only on the pages of books and autumn, and spring in the same moment». R. Gamzatov
18)... on The one hand, the abundance and power, and with the flexibility and ability of the Russian language to the image clear and sweetly all the senses of the human heart... G.R. Derzhavin, «a Discourse on lyric poetry»
19)a Person who cannot love the book, miserable, though not always aware of this. His life can be full of interesting events, but he will be deprived of the important events of empathy and understanding of the reading. Е.Евтушенко
20)the aim of the book is to facilitate, accelerate the knowledge of life and not replace it. Я.Корчак
21)Books are the best of friends. You can access them through the difficult moments of life. They will help. Lode
22)I hope that maybe my books instill a little readers, great humanity, a better understanding of people. Astrid Lindgren
23)Books you need to remind man that his original thoughts are not so new. Abraham Lincoln
24)the Book is a witch. The book has transformed the world. In her memory of the human race, it is a mouthpiece of human thought. A world without books - world of barbarians. (Morozov N.A.)

D1Y: что это ?мне сочинение нужно по теме, а не набор цитат из гугл переводчика
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