Даю 10 баллов за решение.

1. am taking ; take
2. is helping ; helps
3. are going ; go
4. is playing ; plays
5. am reading ; read
6. is sleeping ; sleeps
7. are drinking ; drink
8. are going ; go
9. am not sleeping ; don’t sleep
10. is not drinking ; doesn’t drink
11. aren’t watching ; don’t watch
12. aren’t eating ; don’t eat
13. aren’t working ; doesn’t work
14. Are you working now? ; Do you work every day?
15. Is he playing now? ; Does he play in the afternoon?
16. Are they eating now? ; Do they eat at school?
17. Is your sister resting now? ; Does your sister rest after school?
18. What are you doing now? ; What do you do every morning?
19. What are you reading now? ; What do you read after dinner?
20. What are they eating now? ; What do they eat for breakfast?
21. What is your brother drinking now? ; What does your brother drink in the evening?
22. Is everybody having a good time now? ; Does everybody have a good time every Saturday
23. Is she taking medicine now? ; How often does she take medicine?
24. Where are they going now? ; Where do they go on Sunday?
25. Are they speaking English now? ; What language do they usually speak?
Present Continuous ви користовуємо, коли певна дія відбувається саме в цей момент, коли ми говоримо про цю дію . Маяками Present Continuous в реченні є "now" , "at the moment".
Present Simple використовуємо, коли йде мова про регулярну дію(дію, яка повторюється)
Відміть відповідь як найкращу, будь ласка