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Australia occupies the continent of Australia, which lies south-east of Asia and the island of Tasmania with a number of small islands.
It is washed by the Timor Sea in the north, by the Coral and Tasman Seas in the east, and by the Indian Ocean in the south and west.
Australia is the most droughty continent on the earth. About one half of its territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. It is also the land of great plains.
The main part of Australia lies in tropics. Southwestern parts of the country are situated in subtropics. December, January and February are summer months in Australia. The average summer temperature there is from 20 to 30 degrees above zero. Winter comes in June, July and August. Then the average temperature is from 12 to 20 degrees above zero.
Droughts are common in Australia. The rainfall in the country is rather small, and that’s why a special plan was worked out for irrigation of plains.
The largest rivers in Australia are the Darling and the Murray. In the middle part of Australia there are salt lakes, such as Lake Eyre and Torrence.
Australia is an agricultural country. Cattle-breeding is highly developed in Australia. It exports sheep wool, wheat, meat, butter and cheese, and raw materials. Its major partners are Japan, the USA and Great Britain.
Australia (острейлия) occupies(окьюпайс) the continent (континэнт) of Australia, which(вич) lies(лайс) south-east (сауф-ист) of Asia (эйшиа) and the island (айлэнд) of Tasmania (таьзмэйния) with(выд) a number(намбэ) of small(смол) islands.
It is(ит из) washed (вошд) by(бай) the Timor Sea(си) in the north (ноф), by the Coral (корэл) and Tasman Seas in the east (ист), and by the Indian (индиэн) Ocean (оушен) in the south( and west.
Australia is the most droughty (драти) continent (континэнт) on the earth (оьф). About (эбаут) one (ван) half (хаф) of its (итс) territory (теритоьри) is occupied (окьюпайд) by deserts (дезёртс) and(энд) semideserts (семидезёртс). It is also (олсоу) the land(лэнд) of great (грейт)plains.
The main (мэйн) part (пат) of Australia lies in tropics (тропикс). Southwestern (сауфвестёрн) parts of the country (каунтри) are(а) situated (ситьюэйтид) in(ин) subtropics (сабтропикс). December (десембё), January and February are summer (саммер) months (манфс) in Australia. The average (аьвёридж) summer temperature (темпритчё) there is (дериз) from 20 (твенти) to 30 (фёти) degrees (дегриз) above (эбав) zero. Winter (винтёр)comes(камз) in June(джун), July (джулай) and August (огаст). Then (ден) the average temperature is from 12 (твелв) to 20 degrees above zero.
Droughts are common(комэн) in Australia. The rainfall (рэйнфол) in the country is rather (радер) small(смол), and that’s (даьтс)why (вай) a special (спешиал) plan was(воз) worked(веркд) out (аут) for (фо) irrigation (иригейшён) of plains.
The largest (ладжест) rivers (ривэрс) in Australia are the Darling and the Murray (марэй). In the middle (мидл) part of Australia there are (дера) salt(солт) lakes(лэйкс), such(сач) as(аьз) Lake Eyre(Лэйк эйр) and Torrence.
Australia is an agricultural (аьгрикалтчё) country.Cattle-breeding(каьтл-бридинг) is highly (хайли) developed(девелоупд) in Australia. It exports (экспотс) sheep(шипс) wool(вул), wheat(вит), meat(мит), butter and cheese, and raw (ро) materials. Its major (мэйджё) partners are Japan, the USA and Great Britain.