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Мне кажется попугай не очень удачный пример любимого животного.
написали бы про слона или обезьяну
ошибки : parrOt а не parrEt
LittLE а не littEL
не many colour, а colorful
My favourite wild animal is an elephant. It is big and grey coloured animal. It has got long legs, long tail and big body. Its eyes are little, its ears and nose are big. Elephant eats fruit and vegetables.
Про Бобика ошибки : blEck надо BLACK, mEEt надо MEAT, wHater надо WATER
4. Cows eat grass or hay.
5. Elephants live in jungle or savanna
6. At the zoo we see a lot of wild animals - giraffes, bears, monkeys, elephants, koalas and many others.
7. I know some domestic birds, like goose, chicken, turkey, duck.
8. No, tigers don't eat grass, they eat meat
9. I have got a dog
10 I look after my pet