Помогите пожалуйста
Задание достаточно большое, но прошу помощи
Нужно переделать в косвенную речь

My father told me to go home
His uncle told him not to play in the street,that was dangerous
Teacher told to make our beds quickly
His grandmother told him to go and buy something to eat
The mother told Nick to change his clothes
Ruth told not to let the dog into the room
Mary told to clean the bath after he had taken the shower
Teacher told to prepare my exercise-books
Mum asked if I was having my classes the next day
The man asked if it was raining at that moment
The guide asked if I traveled there every summer
The career adviser asked if my friend counted well
The woman wondered if I could speak Italian
The policeman asked if I had seen a ghost
Nick asked if my father repaired the fence
The teacher asked if I had been able to visit them the Sunday before
The weatherman asked if it had been snowing at that time the winter before
The conductor asked sir is he had paid for your ticket
The detective asked if I had heard ftom them recently
The aunt asked where I went on vacation
The teacher asked how many times I could make the same mistakes
The customer asked how much thouse jeans were
My friend asked who had told me about that
The stranger asked what was the Russian for hello
The professor asked how many times I should tell him to keep quiet
The boy asked which book I took the day before