Предмет: Английский язык, автор: pansies17

Сочинение про любимую книгу на Английском,срочно,пожалуйста!!!

milaa75: My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This book is very exciting and interesting. When you read it you seem to be immersed in the world of Harry Potter. As for me, this part is the most interesting of the entire series of Harry Potter books
milaa75: Вотььь)))
goncharovatonya: I am completely keen on reading. I try to read every day at least a few pages. I like fantasy stories and some adventurous stories. And there is a story of that kind I am eager to read over and over again. Its name is “Harry Potter.” The story was written by a popular British writer J. K. Rowling. And it tells us about a little boy Harry who lives in a family of his aunt. One day he finds out that he is a wizard and should go to study to a school of magic — Hogwarts.
Гарри крутой))) ее
goncharovatonya: сейчас кину вторую часть
goncharovatonya: простовсё не вместилось
goncharovatonya: And that’s where the story begins. In the following 7 parts we get to know what a great wizard Harry is. He meets new friends, studies, does sport and conquer the most evil magician in the world. These books teach how to be friendly, loyal and strong. They show us how to face difficulties and how important a family and friends are. I love this book for all of this. I have already read it a few times. And I know that I will definitely read it once again.
goncharovatonya: мы писали сочинение недавно))
goncharovatonya: могу ещё перевод написать


Автор ответа: goncharovatonya

Скидывала в комменты, ну вот весь

I am completely keen on reading. I try to read every day at least a few pages. I like fantasy stories and some adventurous stories. And there is a story of that kind I am eager to read over and over again. Its name is “Harry Potter.” The story was written by a popular British writer J. K. Rowling. And it tells us about a little boy Harry who lives in a family of his aunt. One day he finds out that he is a wizard and should go to study to a school of magic —  Hogwarts. And that’s where the story begins. In the following 7 parts we get to know what a great wizard Harry is. He meets new friends, studies, does sport and conquer the most evil magician in the world. These books teach how to be friendly, loyal and strong. They show us how to face difficulties and how important a family and friends are. I love this book for all of this. I have already read it a few times. And I know that I will definitely read it once again. Гарри ван лааав)0)

Автор ответа: 0KPACABA0
Я люблю книгу "Лето кончится не скоро"Там рассказывается про двух друзей,Серёжку и Ромку,которые познакомились совершенно случайно.Сережка,к сожалению,был инвалидом,и в некоторых случаях глупым.А Ромка напротив был умным,и догадливым.Это книга прокрепкуюдружбу этих ребят.Они прям жить друг без друга не могли.Сережа даже иногда плакал,что Рома больше не придет,но все заканчивалось благополучно.Они везде путешествовали,всегда были вместе.Каждый день,Рома залезал в окно к Серёже,и они ходили гулять,и днем и ночью.Мне лично очень понравилось.

I love the book "Summer will not end soon." It tells about two friends, Seryozhka and Romka, who met quite by chance. Earring, unfortunately, was disabled, and in some cases stupid. these guys. They could not live without each other. Serezha even sometimes cried that Roma would not come anymore, but everything ended safely. They traveled everywhere, they were always together. , day and night. I personally really liked it.
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