Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vitalyavantap

составить рассказ на тему русский международный язык 18 - 20 предложений(на английском, предложения не большие главное чтоб их было 18-20)


Автор ответа: mariyakarimova666

"International language"

Given the maximum speed of cars, namely from one hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty kilometers per hour, this international run for a distance of two hundred miles should have lasted no more than three hours.

Joseph Conrad - Jump Overboard

A little later, he calmly walked into the navigational cabin and opened the international code of signals on the page where the flags of all nations stretched in orderly motley rows. it is an international capital, it is international diplomacy, it is the so-called cream of society; these are menacing notes, ultimatums, guns.

In fact, it is a kind of international intermediary language.

An international incident could have sprung from this, or he could have set himself a fool in the eyes of the whole world, which was almost as bad.

Having made a turn, the pilot switched his transponder from normal to international.

Together with such historical achievements, colossal international prestige and unlimited influence within the country are gained.

The scale of the events was larger, and they were of an international nature - the battles took place on the territory of a friendly state.

The first aircraft took a little to the west and entered the usual international corridor set aside for civilian aircraft heading for the French coast.

A variety of trends, while maintaining an international character, acquired national traits.

Nearby, with the backpacks on their backs, Polish harcerers hurried to the international pioneer camp.

From a distance, they began to make signs to us - it was an international prairie language.

To begin with, international control is needed over the trade and transportation of fissionable materials, as well as the exchange of nuclear bomb technology.

They arrived in their usual arrogant manner: spitting on all treaties and agreements, on international etiquette, unilaterally rejected everything that could interfere with their new designs.

The video of the crash will be transmitted via satellite channels in less than an hour, and the main news will be this international incident.

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