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The coat of the British cat is very fluffy and soft, though quite short. British cats tend to many different colors, the most popular — solid (gray-blue, black, purple, chocolate), tabby and silver tabby, their varieties: spot, strip and marble.
Solid-colors, in which the whole body of the cat is painted evenly in one color, without a single point. The most common monochrome color of the British Shorthair — gray-blue.
Tortoiseshell — a combination of black with red, blue and cream, this color is preferably more uniform combination of black (or blue, etc.), and red (or cream) colors. However, due to the fact that selection (that is, a particular selection of the pairs) do not affect the distribution of spots in color, the turtles do not impose such strict requirements in color, as the solid colors.
Smoky (smoke, chinchillas, CamIO) - absorbed part of the dye in the guard hair, color is stored only on the top of the hair. Smoky cat is a cat contrasting color: undercoat should be white, the hair black. Most will be dark back, head, legs; lighter — side, collar, ears. The color of the body — from smoky black to silver on the sides. Muzzle and its feet — black without markings. Collar and ears-silver. Undercoat as light as possible. Eyes — copper or orange, large, round.
Tabby (striped, marble, spotted, ticked). Classic tabby (marble) (Blotched tabby) Color — markings (tabby) cats must be very sharp and contrasty. There should be an "M"mark on the forehead. From the corner of the eye should be a continuous line, drawing on the cheeks; the lines from the back of the head go all over the back, down on the shoulders, forming a pattern in the form of a butterfly. On the neck and chest — continuous ring, the more the better. On the back there are three parallel lines separated from each other by the main color. Each side should have a clear pattern on the hips-complete circles. The belly is spotted. Feet should be ring of the main color. The outer side of the hind legs to the hock joint-the same color with marks.
The bicolor (a combination of primary colors with white). The combination of the basic color (solid, tortie) with white. Painted part should be clearly limited to white and be at least 1/3 and not more than 1/2 white color, should not have white hairs. One of the ears must be painted, preferably a large colored spot on his head. Valid small spots on the back of the painted spots on the back, colored spots on the legs (with total respect to the degree of sacrosancti).
Color (Siamese) color scheme. Body (cloak) white, painted only hoisted, tail, ears and mask on muzzle. The coat changes color in connection with a change of temperature.