Plant and write a 150-word essay illustrating Plato's quotation that states that "Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being,while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it"the essay will include introduction, body and conclusion, an explicit thesis statement ,logical development /support and explicit discourse markers
Scientists have proved that physical activity is useful for human health. Also, the exercises allow to keep your body in shape, increase one's endurance in different situations. Regular exercises - aren't only a guaranteed weight loss, slim and trim figure, but also the keeping of youthful skin. Every day, the human body faces countless toxins: pollution, chemicals in the air and water, and so on. Physical activity improves the body's ability to cope with these "unwanted guests" and eliminates toxins. If we compare active and inactive people and ask a question: who becomes tired more quickly? Our answer will be: 'Of course the lazy people'. So, if you feel the lethargy, weakness, quick getting tired you should become more active. Exercises are universal stimulators and they increase physical and mental performance. Even if you are very tired don't rush to sit or to lie down. Active rest will make you feel better much faster, but the choice of forms and methods should be approached individually, taking into account the individual combination of the four basic signs of fatigue: the fall of attention, loss of interest in work, drowsiness, overstimulation. Fatigue is a human condition caused by work. Physical fatigue contributes to dynamic loads - long walking, running and static load - lifting weights, their retention, transfer, and others. Mental fatigue is caused by an overload of the senses (sight, hearing, touch), a strong focus voltage, responsible, emotional work. Based on the foregoing, I agree with the statement of Plato, and I encourage everyone to engage in physical exercises, at least sometimes.