Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: dasha34presnova62
В детстве Илья Власов занимался дзюдо и плаванием, а в волейбол попал только в 16 лет, когда был замечен статистиком новоуренгойского «Факела» Алексеем Королёвым во время игры с друзьями на открытой волейбольной площадке. Королёв рассказал Илье про молодёжную команду, объединившую перспективных ребят 1995—1996 годов рождения из разных уголков России для подготовки к выступлению в Молодёжной лиге и юношеской сборной.
Под руководством тренера Павла Иванова Власов в октябре 2011 года дебютировал за «Факел-95» в Молодёжной лиге, в ноябре вместе с пятью одноклубниками в составе юношеской сборной России стал победителем чемпионата Восточно-Европейской волейбольной зональной ассоциации в Островце-Свентокшиском
В сентябре 2014 года Илья Власов в составе молодёжной сборной России завоевал золотую медаль на чемпионате Европы в Нитре и Брно. Самый высокий игрок турнира привлёк внимание организаторов первенства невероятным прыжком и высотой съёма, лёгкостью и скоростью перемещений вдоль сетки. «Действительно трудно поверить в то, что Власов играет в волейбол всего три года», — отмечалось в статье, посвящённой 19-летнему центральному команды Сергея Шляпникова[6].
Спустя четыре дня после победы на молодёжном чемпионате Европы Илья Власов дебютировал в первой команде «Факела» в матче предварительного этапа Кубка России в Санкт-Петербурге. С начала чемпионата страны в Суперлиге Илья вместе с прежними партнёрами по молодёжному «Факелу», доигровщиками Дмитрием Волковым и Егором Клюкой, стабильно выходил на матчи в стартовом составе, и качество игры этого трио было удостоено высоких оценок от специалистов.По итогам сезона Илья вошёл в десятку лучших блокирующих чемпионата.
В июне 2015 года Илья Власов в составе второй сборной России завоевал бронзовую медаль I Европейских игр в Баку.
В 2017 году Илья Власов после годичного перерыва вернулся в состав национальной команды, которую возглавил Сергей Шляпников. На турнире Мировой лиги Илья был игроком стартового состава, но в матче интерконтинентального раунда со сборной Польши получил травму, неудачно приземлившись после блокирования, и не смог помочь команде в «Финале шести».
В составе новоуренгойского «Факела» Илья Власов провёл 4 сезона, в апреле 2017 года стал победителем Кубка вызова. По окончании сезона-2017/18 перешёл из «Факела» в московское «Динамо». В июле 2018 года вместе со сборной завоевал золото первого в истории турнира Лиги наций.
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In childhood Ilya Vlasov done judo and swimming, and in volleyball got only in sixteen years, when been noticed statistics Novy Urengoy "Torch's" Alexei Korolev during games with friends in the open volleyball court. Korolev told Ilya about the youth team, bringing together promising guys 1995-1996 (One thousand nine hundred ninety five - One thousand nine hundred ninety six) years births from different parts of Russia to prepare for the performance in in the youth league and youth team.
Under coach Pavel Ivanov Vlasov in October 2011 he made his debut in "Torch, 95" in the Youth League, in November, along with five team-mates in the Junior team of Russia became the winner of the championship Eastern European volleyball zonal Association in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
In September 2014, Ilya Vlasov won a gold medal at the European Championships in Nitra and Brno as part of the Russian youth team. The highest player of the tournament attracted the attention of the organizers of the championship with an incredible jump and the height of the shoot, ease and speed of movement along the grid. "It is really hard to believe that Vlasov has been playing volleyball for only three years", — noted in the article devoted to the 19-year-old Central team of Sergey Shlyapnikov[6].
Four days after the victory at the European youth championship Ilya Vlasov made his debut in the first team of "Torch" in the match of the preliminary stage of the Cup of Russia in St. Petersburg. Since the beginning of the national championship in the super League Ilya together with former partners in the youth "Torch", the players Dmitry Volkov and Egor Klyukoy, consistently went to the matches in the starting lineup, and the quality of the game of this trio was awarded high ratings from experts.At the end of the season Ilya has entered into ten the best blocker of the championship.
In June 2015, Ilya Vlasov won the bronze medal of the first European games in Baku as part of the second Russian team.
In 2017, Ilya Vlasov returned to the national team headed by Sergey Shlyapnikov after a one-year break. At The world League tournament Ilya was a player in the starting lineup, but in the match of the Intercontinental round against Poland was injured, landed unsuccessfully after blocking, and could not help the team in the "Final six".
As part of the new Urengoy "Torch" Ilya Vlasov spent 4 seasons in April 2017 became the winner of the challenge Cup. At the end of the season-2017/18 moved from" Torch "in Moscow"Dynamo". In July 2018, together with the national team, he won the gold of the first ever League of Nations tournament.
Under coach Pavel Ivanov Vlasov in October 2011 he made his debut in "Torch, 95" in the Youth League, in November, along with five team-mates in the Junior team of Russia became the winner of the championship Eastern European volleyball zonal Association in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
In September 2014, Ilya Vlasov won a gold medal at the European Championships in Nitra and Brno as part of the Russian youth team. The highest player of the tournament attracted the attention of the organizers of the championship with an incredible jump and the height of the shoot, ease and speed of movement along the grid. "It is really hard to believe that Vlasov has been playing volleyball for only three years", — noted in the article devoted to the 19-year-old Central team of Sergey Shlyapnikov[6].
Four days after the victory at the European youth championship Ilya Vlasov made his debut in the first team of "Torch" in the match of the preliminary stage of the Cup of Russia in St. Petersburg. Since the beginning of the national championship in the super League Ilya together with former partners in the youth "Torch", the players Dmitry Volkov and Egor Klyukoy, consistently went to the matches in the starting lineup, and the quality of the game of this trio was awarded high ratings from experts.At the end of the season Ilya has entered into ten the best blocker of the championship.
In June 2015, Ilya Vlasov won the bronze medal of the first European games in Baku as part of the second Russian team.
In 2017, Ilya Vlasov returned to the national team headed by Sergey Shlyapnikov after a one-year break. At The world League tournament Ilya was a player in the starting lineup, but in the match of the Intercontinental round against Poland was injured, landed unsuccessfully after blocking, and could not help the team in the "Final six".
As part of the new Urengoy "Torch" Ilya Vlasov spent 4 seasons in April 2017 became the winner of the challenge Cup. At the end of the season-2017/18 moved from" Torch "in Moscow"Dynamo". In July 2018, together with the national team, he won the gold of the first ever League of Nations tournament.
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