Помогите !!!!!срочно с 1 по 5 задание. Пж!!! Даю 40 баллов!!!

Задание №1
a)Boggis, Bunce and Bean
b)They were farmers, rich and nasty
c)They kept thousands of chicken, gees and turkeys
d) Boggis ate boild chickens with dumplings. Bunce ate doughnats and goose-liver and Bean didn't eat any food
e) Boggis was very fat, Bunce was short and Bean was a thin as a pencil and the cleverest of them all
f)"Boggis and Bunce and Bean
One fat, one short, one lean
These horrible crooks
So different in looks
Were none the less equally mean"
2) a) Fault, they were nasty
b) Fault, they were afraid of them
d)Fault, he was a chicken farmer
e) Fault, he was a turkey and apple farmer
f)Fault, he didn't eat at all
3) в книге уже отмечен правильный порядок карандашом
4)The farmers' names were Boggis, Bunce and Bean. First one was a chicken farmer, the second one was a duck and goose farmer and Bean was a turkey and apple farmer. Boggis ate boiled chickens with dumplings every day for breakfast, launch and supper. Bunce's favorite food was doughnuts and goose past from goose liver. Bean didn't eat at all, instead, he drunk gallons of cider. Boggis was fat, Bunce was very short and Bean was thin and cleverest from all of them.
5) правильно отмечено карандашом в книге