помогите написать сочинение на тему моя хобби слушать музыку на английском плизззз
Almost all my peers have some Hobbies. Someone who enjoys painting, someone playing chess, someone is dancing. My hobby is music. I like music in different directions, depending on my mood. I can listen to slow and sad songs when I'm not in a good mood, and I can have fun and dance to rhythmic and catchy melodies when I'm in a good mood.
When I was little, my parents noticed that I was not indifferent to music and to musical compositions. From musical instruments I had a tambourine, maracas and a small toy piano. Now I have a real big piano, which I have already learned to play quite well. In order to master this skill, my parents invited me to the house tutor. I quickly learned to use this musical instrument, a little able to play the piano and my mother. I even teach her sometimes. And I see that my mother is proud of my success.
I think that my hobby can become my profession in the future, for example, I can give concerts or also teach someone piano lessons. In any case, my passion for music gives me great pleasure and brings joy to others, because with music life becomes more beautiful and happier!
Most of all I like to play the guitar. I learnt the first guitar chords in childhood: my dad taught me. Then I began to attend a music studio and to take classes of playing this musical instrument from a professional teacher. It was at these classes, when I first tried to play in a band. When I was 10 years old, we organized a concert for our parents. During the performance, I played the lead guitar, our teacher accompanied me on the piano, and two other guys were in the composition of the rhythm section, i.e. played bass guitar and drums. It was a wonderful performance, during which I realized exactly what I wanted to do next.
After a couple of years, my classmates and I organized our own rock band. Now the main part of our repertoire consists of compositions of favorite performers, but it also has some of our own stuff. During its existence, our team managed to appear on the stage of the urban youth club and on some other venues. We have many rehearsals and are constantly in the process of creative music search.
Music classes for me are the main source of power and inspiration, so I intend to evolve in this direction. Friends also support my enthusiasm, so I think our band will continue its existence and after finishing school.