помогите пожалуйста решить эти страницы, только быстрее

2. I don’t watch....
3. I don’t play....
4. I don’t eat....
I don’t drink.....
Brush my teeth
Go to school
Play games
Come home
Watch cartoons
Do my homework
On Sunday I usually get up late.I always watch TV. I never read books. I often play games.
11.00- get up
11.10-brush my teeth
11.30- have breakfast
12.30- watch cartoons
15.00- have lunch
16.00- play with my friends
19.00-have dinner
20.00-do my homework
20.50- brush my teeth
21.00- go to bed
1. i dont have breakfast at 7.30 on SUnday
2. i dont watch cartoons in the morning
3. i dont play computer games in the evening
4. i dont eat ice-cream afer lunch
5. i dont drink cola before dinner
3 zadanie_______________
brush my teeth
go to school
play games
come home
do my homework
watch cartoon
5 zadanie___________________-
on sunday i usually get up late
i never watch tv
i often read books,
i always play games
9.30 get up
10.00 have breakfast
11.00 read books
11.45 play games
12.30 have lunch
14.00 watch tv
16.00 do homework
18.00 go for a walk
19.30 have dinner
22.00 go to sleep