Предмет: Английский язык, автор: zocopete

Помогите пожалуйста отдаю все балы!!!
Translate the following sentences into English using can in all of
its possible meanings:
1. Ты мог бы перевести этот текст?
2. Эту книгу можно купить в любом магазине.
3. Он мог бы сделать это на прошлой неделе. Он был не особен-
но занят.
4.Он не мог показать нам расчеты, так к как они не были гото-
5.В комнате темно, я не могу найти свои вещи.
6. Не может быть, чтобы она ошиблась.
7. Неужели они ждали нас все это время?
8. Не может быть, чтобы вас послали ко мне. Я не имею к
этому никакого отношения.
9. Можно мне чашку чая?
10. Он сказал, что мы можем идти.
11.Я могу вернуться автобусом.
12. Я мог бы вернуться автобусом.
13. Морис уставился на письмо. «И откуда оно могло прийти?,
14. Эванс был настолько неграмотным, что он просто не мог бы
написать ни одного слова этого доклада.
15. «Она не поняла тебя», - вскричал Филипп. - «Она поняла
меня достаточно хорошо». - «Вряд ли она тебя поняла», -
повторил он упрямо.
16. Дорога пешком обратно в гостиницу оказалась очень длин-
ной, и он никогда не проделал бы ее без карты.
17. У нее было квадратное лицо, которое, вероятно, никогда не
выглядело молодым.
18. «На что ты смотришь, Вилли?» - «Ни на что, дорогая».
«Нельзя смотреть ни на что».
19. Она сказала более громким голосом: «Ты слышишь меня?»
20. Никто не смог бы произвести на меня большее впечатление,
чем это сделал ты.
21.В тот момент я мог бы убить его.
22. Ему не могло быть больше тридцати лет, когда мы с ним
познакомились впервые.
23.Я умел плавать, когда мне было пять лет. Папа научил
24. Они очень милы со мной. Просто невозможно быть более
вежливыми и услужливыми.
25. Уже темнеет. Сколько же сейчас может быть времени?
26. Ты храбрый, раз работаешь с этими людьми. Я бы не мог с
ними работать.
27.Он взял меню и сказал: "Ну, я полагаю, что ты проголода-
лась. Давай посмотрим, что мы можем поесть».
28. А как щенки? Можно мне посмотреть на них?


Автор ответа: enderserg

1. Could you translate this text?

2. This book can be bought at any store.

3. He could have done it last week. He wasn't special.-

but busy.

4.He couldn't show us the calculations since they weren't goto.-


5.It's dark in the room, I can't find my things.

6. There's no way she's wrong.

7. Have they been waiting for us all this time?

8. There's no way you were sent to me. I don't have to

this has nothing to do with it.

9. Can I have a Cup of tea?

10. He said we could go now.

11.I can take the bus back.

12. I could take the bus back.

13. Maurice stared at the letter. "And where could it come from?,

14. Evans was so illiterate, he just couldn't.

write a single word of this report.

15. "She didn't understand you," cried Philip. - She understood.

I'm good enough." - "I doubt she understood you.», -

he repeated stubbornly.

16. The road on foot back to the hotel was very long-

Noah, and he would never have done it without a map.

17. She had a square face, which is probably,

18. "What are you looking at, Willie?- "Nothing, sweetheart."

"You can't look at anything."

19. She said in a louder voice, " can you hear me?»

20. No one could have made a bigger impression on me.,

than you did.

21.I could have killed him in that moment.

22. He couldn't have been over thirty when we were with him.

met for the first time.

23.I could swim when I was five years old. Dad taught me


24. They're very nice to me. Simply impossible to be more

polite and helpful.

25. It's dark. How much time can there be now?

26. You're brave to work with these people. I couldn't

them work.

27.He took the menu and said, " Well, I guess you're hungry.-

Las. Let's see what we can eat."

28. And the puppies? Can I have a look at them

Автор ответа: katyagaranina08
1. Could you translate this text?
2. This book can be bought at any store.
3. He could have done it last week. He wasn't special.-
but busy.
4.He couldn't show us the calculations since they weren't goto.-
5.It's dark in the room, I can't find my things.
6. There's no way she's wrong.
7. Have they been waiting for us all this time?
8. There's no way you were sent to me. I don't have to
this has nothing to do with it.
9. Can I have a Cup of tea?
10. He said we could go now.
11.I can take the bus back.
12. I could take the bus back.
13. Maurice stared at the letter. "And where could it come from?,
14. Evans was so illiterate, he just couldn't.
write a single word of this report.
15. "She didn't understand you," Philip cried. - She understood.
I'm good enough." - "I doubt she understood you.», -
he repeated stubbornly.
16. The road on foot back to the hotel was very long-
Noah, and he would never have done it without a map.
17. She had a square face that probably never
looked young.
18. "What are you looking at, Willie?- "Nothing, sweetheart."
"You can't look at anything."
19. She said in a louder voice, " can you hear me?»
20. No one could have made a bigger impression on me.,
than you did.
21.I could have killed him in that moment.
22. He couldn't have been over thirty when we were with him.
met for the first time.
23.I could swim when I was five years old. Dad taught me
24. They're very nice to me. Simply impossible to be more
polite and helpful.
25. It's dark. How much time can there be now?
26. You're brave to work with these people. I couldn't
them work.
27.He took the menu and said, " Well, I guess you're hungry.-
Las. Let's see what we can eat."
28. And the puppies? Can I have a look at them?
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