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Привет Артур ты спрашивал как похудеть, просто ешь полезную еду и кушай больше овощей и фруктов и ежедневно бегай, играй футбол.Ты интересовался что у меня нового? Я поступил в колледж,учусь очень хорошо,мне платят стипендию 500 рублей в месяц. Также я записался на маленький теннис,мы ездили на соревнования я взял второе место. А ты как учишься? Ушел после 9 или остался до 11 класса?
Hi Arthur you asked how to lose weight, just eat healthy food and eat more fruits and vegetables and daily run, play football.You were wondering what's new with me? I went to College, I study very well, I get a scholarship of 500 rubles a month. Also I signed up for a little tennis, we went to the competition I took second place. How are you? Is gone after 9 or remained until 11 class?
Hi Arthur you asked how to lose weight, just eat healthy food and eat more fruits and vegetables and daily run, play football.You were wondering what's new with me? I went to College, I study very well, I get a scholarship of 500 rubles a month. Also I signed up for a little tennis, we went to the competition I took second place. How are you? Is gone after 9 or remained until 11 class?