Рассказ про троянскую войну на английском ( можно 10 предложений)
he Trojan War - according to the ancient Greek tradition, the war of the coalition of the Achaean kings under the rule of the king Mycenae Agamemnon against the Three, ended in defeat and the capture of the Three. Information on the Greek tradition about the Trojan War was confirmed by excavations of the Trois: in the 13th century, BC. The city experienced a long siege and was destroyed by the enemy. according to legends (reflected in poems or hell and odyssey), the reason for the war with the three was the kidnapping of the spartan tsar's wife by the Troyan prince, the frail wife of the Spartan tsar. ("Asia Minor"). the Greeks besieged the Troy for ten years, since the Troyan king Priam had strong allies of Phrygians, Lycians, Thracians and other peoples. in military operations, which took place mainly from fights of outstanding warriors of both sides, became famous: among the Greeks - Achilles, Diomedes, Ajaxas, Patroclus, Agamemnon, Odysseus, among the Trojans - Hector, Glavk, Sarpedonts and Aeneas. (Wed, Wed, Off, Wed, Off, Off, Off ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, opened the gates of the city returned to the army Achaeans - this cunning was invented by an odyssey).