Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Rusalinka

1.Какая диалектная фонетическая особенность отражена в отрывке из стихотворения С.А. Есенина «Песнь о собаке»? 
И глухо, как от подачки,
Когда бросят ей камень в смех,
Покатились глаза собачьи 
Золотыми искрами в снег.                                                                                              


Автор ответа: zhornikm
Трагедия существа, у которого отняли детей, показана через поведение собаки: она бежала за хозяином, не умеющим понять, что у нее достаточно молока и на семерых щенков. Убийство произошло: хозяин утопил щенков. 
И глухо, как от подачки, 
Когда бросят ей камень в смех, 
покатились глаза собачьи 
Золотыми звездами в снег. 

Это финал трагедии, который заставляет читателя задуматься сразу о многих вещах. И вопросы, которые при этом возникают, непросты. 
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 123abc321
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Brush structures are built entirely from plant parts and are generally found in tropical and subtropical areas, such as rainforests, where very large leaves can be used in the building. Native Americans often built brush structures for resting and living in, too.These are built mostly with branches, twigs and leaves, and bark, similar to a beaver’s lodge. These were variously named wickiups, lean-tos, and so forth.Ice was used by the Inuit for igloos, but has also been used for ice hotels as a tourist attraction in northern areas that might not otherwise see many winter tourists.Wood is a product of trees, and sometimes other fibrous plants, used for construction purposes when cut or pressed into lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and similar materials. It is a generic building material and is used in building just about any type of structure in most climates.Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping strength while bending, and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically.

There are many differing qualities to the different types of wood, even among same tree species. This means specific species are better for various uses than others. And growing conditions are important for deciding quality.Historically, wood for building large structures was used in its unprocessed form as logs. The trees were just cut to the needed length, sometimes stripped of bark, and then notched or lashed into place.In earlier times, and in some parts of the world, many country homes or communities had a personal wood-lot from which the family or community would grow and harvest trees to build with. These lots would be tended to like a garden.With the invention of mechanizing saws came the mass production of dimensional lumber. This made buildings quicker to put up and more uniform. Thus the modern western style home was made.