Допоможіть проект про будь яку планету на англійській мові
Our planet is not the only one in the universe but is supposedly the only one which is inhabited by living creatures. We have all the necessary resources to live a happy life: clean water, fresh air, good nature, eatable plants. However, during the last century most scientists are worried that nature is under danger. Thus, people and all the living creatures that surround us are also endangered. The water in the global ocean is not so clean any more due to human reckless actions. Many useful plants are being cut down for creating newer industrial areas. Some animal species are disappearing from the surface of the Earth and that's sorrowful. Knowing this, people from all the existing countries should remember that we are rather fragile. The human race can easily vanish leading such a reckless and carefree life. That's why certain groups of intelligent people build new eco-towns with vast green space, zero carbon, car-free zones, pedestrian and cycle-friendly areas, recycling facilities and many other environmentally friendly goods. Other than that, lots of work is done to make housing in such towns or settlements affordable. I would also like to add some facts about our planet and its features. First of all, it is proven that it's the third planet from the Sun. Another interesting fact is that the Earth is the only planet which is not named after ancient gods or goddesses. At the moment there are seven other planets in the solar system besides the Earth. For example, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn. Unfortunately, they are not well investigated by scientists as they are situated really far.