помогите с английским

32. I would like to get rid of mistakes in the text.
33. Nice to meet you.
34.1. General (Yes/No): Is it nice to meet me?
34.2. Special (Wh-question): What is nice?
34.3. Choice: Is it nice to meet me or someone else?
34.4. Disjunctive: It is nice to meet me, isn't it?
34.5. Indirect: Could you please tell me how much is it nice to meet me?
good < better < the best
beautiful < more beautiful < the most beautiful
cozy < cozier < the coziest
36. He said me that: "I have already heard this song".
37. This movie is the worst I have ever seen! It's all gore and stupidity! Even its title is harshly obscene, so if I mention it in this review I will be banned on this site in no time!
38.+ I was cleaning the flat all morning long.
38.- I wasn't cleaning the flat all morning long.
38.? Was I cleaning the flat all morning long?
39. Past Continuous is being used to describe actions that were taking place during some time in the past.
Must - should have been
Can - could
I - my
He - his