Предмет: История, автор: gav2002

Составте рассказ от имени земледельца о том, как прошёл его день.


Автор ответа: alexa200
Раннее утро.я ,как и все землевладельцы,встаю с рассветом.солнечный день обещает быть погожим,значит я все успею сделать на своих наделах.труден рабочий день простого землевладельца.но этот труд даёт пропитание мне и всей моей семье на целый год!!иду в поле.оно бескрайнее.дружно взошли ранние посевы пшеницы,кукурузы и овса-основного корма для наших лошадей.как хорошо знать,что всё то,что мы сеем и жнём своими руками приносит нам доход.
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Выберите правильную форму местоимения:
1 Despite her parents complaints, she decided to live by ___ in New York City.
A: her B: herself
2 If you happen to see your parents this weekend, give ___ my best regards.
A: him B: her C: them
3 I can't understand ___ when she speaks German with ___ .
A: her, me B: him, me
4 He should be ashamed of ___ .
A: himself B: him
5 Mary was worried about the children, so she convinced ___ husband not to accept the job abroad.
A: his B: her
6 We came across a friend of ___ at the mall yesterday.
A: ours B: us
7 I can't find ___ pencil. Can I use ___ , Mary?
A: my, yours B: mine, your
8 I cut ___ when I was peeling the potatoes.
A: me B: myself
9 This house is too expensive for ___ . We can't pay such a high rent.
A: us B: we
10 Each plan has ___ merits.
A: it B: its
11 He ___ said so.
A: hisself B: himself
12 I do my work and they do ___ .
A: their B: theirs
13 Give it back to ___ . It's ___.
A: me, mine B: me, my
14 Despite ___ old age, he is very active.
A: his B: its

Ex. 5. Дополните предложения нyжными по смыслу местоимениями:
1 He looked at.............in the mirror.
2 After the accident we told..........that we were not to blame.
3 My parents gave............. an anniversary present. They had a nice holiday together.
4 Yesterday I fell in the street and hurt............
5 There are computer games where you can play against...........You always win!
6 My computer turns .......... off.
7 God helps those who help ..............
8 Don't trouble ............. I can take care of it.
9 Sandra made ................ drink the bitter medicine.
10 The monkey groomed.............. .
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Аноним