Предмет: Литература, автор: odelissaodelissa

Ребенку второкласснику  нужно сочинить сказку )))))))


Автор ответа: galinaevdokimo
Вот например начало;
Жил был король,он жил с женой,
У них не было детей!
Как то раз в королевство пришел мудрец,
И загадал загадку королю,
И сказал "отгадаешь тогда жена тебе родит"
Автор ответа: marusyavatanina
Жили-были царь с царевной и все у них было кроме дочерей и сына. Но однажды пришел к ним мудрец и сказал что все бедам конец и промолвил " Думу думай да гадай. Как зовут меня ответишь. В миг родит тебе жена. Не дитя, богатыря! И пойдёт пир на весь мир. Но сначала отгадай. Ты загадочку мою. Коль придумаешь ответ позовешь меня. Но знай от зовусь я лишь на имя." И ушел... Долго думали они почти что сдались. Но пришла весна-красна и шепнула им на ушко " по секрету расскажу вам тайну имени его…зовут…Фагор. Отблагодаришь потом" и закричал тот царь как только мог Фагор беги ко мне, да не жалея ног. И тут … гром прогремел… земля тряслась … и заявил мудрец " но как ???" Настал конец мучениям моим" промолвил царь. " хорошо сдержу я обещание, но в тоже время и все же наказание если скажет кто нибудь имя моё вслух. Я заберу дитя" хорошо " ответил царь. " готовь пелёнки и колыбельню дитя у нас появится" ура! Ура!ура!
Прошло уж много лет, забылось имя то, но если не хотите чтоб ворвался в дом ваш чужеземец , то не говорите вслух Фагор

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ivankuz83p32kd7
Zoos are hugely popular attractions for adults and children alike. But are they actually a good thing?

Critics of zoos would argue that animals often suffer physically and mentally by being enclosed. Even the best artificial environments can't come close to matching the space, diversity, and freedom that animals have in their natural habitats. This deprivation causes many zoo animals to become stressed or mentally ill. Capturing animals in the wild also causes much suffering by splitting up families. Some zoos make animals behave unnaturally: for example, marine parks often force dolphins and whales to perform tricks. These mammals may die decades earlier than their wild relatives, and some even try to commit suicide.

On the other hand, by bringing people and animals together, zoos have the potential to educate the public about conservation issues and inspire people to protect animals and their habitats. Some zoos provide a safe environment for animals which have been mistreated in circuses, or pets which have been abandoned. Zoos also carry out important research into subjects like animal behaviour and how to treat illnesses.

One of the most important modern functions of zoos is supporting international breeding programmes, particularly for endangered species. In the wild, some of the rarest species have difficulty in finding mates and breeding, and they might also be threatened by poachers, loss of their habitat and predators. A good zoo will enable these species to live and breed in a secure environment. In addition, as numbers of some wild species drop, there is an increased danger of populations becoming too genetically similar. Breeding programmes provide a safeguard: zoo-bred animals can be released into the wild to increase genetic diversity.

However, opponents of zoos say that the vast majority of captive breeding programmes do not release animals back into the wild. Surplus animals are sold not only to other zoos but also to circuses or hunting ranches in the US or South Africa, where some people are willing to pay a lot of money for the chance to kill an animal in a fenced enclosure. Often, these animals are familiar with humans and have very little chance of escaping.

So, are zoos good for animals or not? Perhaps it all depends on how well individual zoos are managed, and the benefits of zoos can surely outweigh their harmful effects. However, it is understandable that many people believe imprisoning animals for any reason is simply wrong.
1. find TRUE statement
A) Modern zoos can offer animals a living environment that is as good as their natural habitats
B) One of the reasons zoo animals become distressed is because they are separated from their families
C) Dolphins and whales usually live longer in zoos than in the wild
D) Zoos protect animals from being used for scientific research
2. find FALSE statement
A) One of the reasons zoo animals become distressed is because they are separated from their families
B) Dolphins and whales usually live longer in zoos than in the wild
C) People who have visited zoos are more likely to support animal conservation and protection
D) In their natural habitats, animals suffer problems related to human activity
3. Fill the gap
In the wild, some of the rarest species have difficulty finding a ____
A) mate
B) coach
C) master
D) brother
4. Fill the gap
Zoos carry out important research into how to treat______
A) suicide
B) illnesses
C) species
D) mate