Предмет: Химия, автор: Luker90

Помогите пожалуйста!С химией! Выбрать варианты ответов
1. В порядке усиления неметаллических свойств химические элементы расположены в ряду
1).S>P>Si 2.Li>Na>K 3.Ca>Mg>Be 4.P>S>Cl
2.) Ковалентную полярную связь имеет
1.NaCl 2. H2S 3. K2O 4 CaCl2
3)Соединение MnO2 и Mn(ОН)2 степень окисления марганца соответственно равны
1. + 3 и + 2 _2. + 4 и + 2 _3.+3 и +3_4.+6 и 0
4)Кислотным оксидам относится 1.оксид железа (|||), 2.оксид алюминия 3.оксид углерода(|√)4. оксид кальция
5) реакции замещения соответствует уравнение
1.Zn+СI2 =ZnCl
2.Ca +2H2O=Ca(OH)2+H2
3.NaOH +HCl=NaCl+H2O
6) установите соответствие:
Класс соъеденения
1 основания;А Ca(No3)2
2кислоты;Б Мg
3соли;В H3Po4
4оксиды;Г N2O3
Д О2
Е Аl(OH)3
7) Составьте уравнение в молекулярном полном ионном и сокращенном ионном виде :нитрат бария + сульфат натрия→
Огромное спасибо!


Автор ответа: artemsot1532
6) 1:Е
7) Ba(NO3)2+Na2SO4=BaSO4+2NaNO3
удачи на химии ⚗

Luker90: Спасибо большое очень выручили!
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100 BALL
Exercise 1. Select the correct word to fill in the blank.

1. Aliya is (I/my/mine) classmate.

2. (She/Her/Hers) is from Russia.

3. She moved to Canada with (she/her/hers) family in 2017.

4. (They/Their/Theirs) are learning English.

5. A tutor comes to (they/their/theirs) house once a week.

6. (She/Her/Hers) studies with (she/her/hers) father every night.

7. (He/His) is finishing (he/his) computer science degree in Canada.

8. (We/Our/Ours) are working on an assignment for (we/our/ours) ESL class.

9. Aliya and (I /my/mine) meet every Monday.

10. Aliya's house is closer to the school than (I/ my/mine).

11. (I/my/mine) ride the bus for 45 minutes every morning.

12. (She/Her/Hers) bus ride is only 10 minutes.

13. Aliya sometimes gets coffee on (she/her/hers) way to school.

14. (She/Her/Hers) has (she/her/hers) coffee with cream and sugar.

15. (I/my/mine) have (I/my/mine) coffee black.

Exercise 2. Fill in the personal pronouns referring to the person or thing mentioned before.

1. Stella promised that _______ would visit me soon.

2. The accident happened last week, didn't _______?

3. Mary claims _______ was alone at the bus stop.

4. Peter says_______ is against capital punishment.

5. Mother wanted to come, but _______was too busy.

6. My wife likes the present you bought for _______ very much.

7. Our hostess said _______would take care of our things.

8. The firm has offered Samantha a job in Iran, but _______ refused to go there.

9. The tank is full, isn't _______?

10. The Browns asked me to ring _______ up on Friday.

11. My husband was very angry with me. _______ even didn't want to talk to me.

12. When you see Mr. Brown give _______ my regards.

13. I can't find my favourite pipe. _______ has vanished.

14. Mr. Wallace is the oldest citizen in the town. _______ is 105 years old.

15. Our neighbours are very noisy people. _______ listen to very loud music day and night.

16. If your uncle had rung me up, _______wouldn't have waited.

17. That actress, though very young, is very good. _______ will play the part of Ophelia next season.

18. I love my Porsche. _______ is the fastest car I've ever had.

19. No wonder that lovers all over the world like the moon. Look at it now. Isn't _______ fantastic?

20. One of my friends says _______ is going to invite me to this expensive restaurant.

Exercise 3. Read attentively the short dialogues and put in the necessary words (my, mine, hers, etc.).

1. - Your brother Pete says it's his bicycle. - No, it is not ______! It’s ______! My Dad bought it to me a week ago! - OK. If you say it's _______, let it be ______. May I ride it right now?

2. My little dog, come to me, come here, come! - Oh, please, don't tell us this nice little dog is ______! But it is really _______! Why do you think it's not _______ dog? - It doesn't look like you! And all dogs usually look like ________ masters (= owners). This dog looks like Lisa. We think it's ______!

3. - Look, I'm sure, this is their house. - Why do you think it's _______?

4. - Your sister Jane says it's _______ bicycle. Yes, it is. It's ______! Our Dad bought it to her yesterday Look! And mine is over there! I like _______ bicycle more.

5. - Is it your ball? - No, it is not. It's not ______. Isn't it Peter's ball? - Well, probably it's ________. Let us ask ________. Pete! Pete! Isn't it your ball? Can we take _______? He doesn't hear me. Look, a girl is running here. The ball may be _______! Hey, girl! Isn't this ball _______?

6. - Look, I'm sure, this is not their car. - Why do you think it's not ________? They've got a Lada. And is ________ a Logan.