Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: frinneli
Exercise 1: Translate the following sentences into English.
1.Макроэкономика – это взаимодействие в экономике страны (ведение хозяйства) в целом.
2.Микроэкономика имеет дело с экономическими решениями, принимаемыми бизнесменами, а также компаниями, ведущими бизнес в пределах страны.
3.Частный предприниматель полностью отвечает за успех или провал своего бизнеса.
4. Частный предприниматель платит налоги меньше, чем корпорация.
5.Принятие решений делится на следующие этапы: определение проблемы, ее анализ, оценка альтернативных решений, выбор наиболее благоприятного решения и внедрение выбранного метода.
6.Маркетинг включает в себя такие операции, как: транспортировка, складирование, ценообразование и продажа товаров.
7.Предприятия и фермы, производящие сельскохозяйственную продукцию, могут платить единый сельскохозяйственный налог.
8. За сбор налогов в государственный бюджет отвечает Министерство финансов.
9. Федеральное агентство по экономическим и налоговым правонарушениями отвечает за раскрытие налоговых нарушений.
10. За сбор налогов отвечает Федеральная налоговая служба.
Автор ответа:
Macroeconomics is the interaction in the economy of the country (management of the economy) as a whole.
2.Microeconomics deals with economic decisions made by businessmen, as well as by companies that conduct business within the country.
3. A private entrepreneur is fully responsible for the success or failure of his business.
4. The private entrepreneur pays taxes less than the corporation.
5.Decision making is divided into the following stages: problem definition, its analysis, evaluation of alternative solutions, choice of the most favorable solution and introduction of the chosen method.
6.Marketing includes such operations as: transportation, warehousing, pricing and sale of goods.
7. Enterprises and farms that produce agricultural products can pay a single agricultural tax.
8.The Ministry of Finance is responsible for collecting taxes to the state budget.
9. The Federal Agency for Economic and Tax Offenses is responsible for the disclosure of tax violations.
10. The Federal Tax Service is responsible for the collection of taxes.
2.Microeconomics deals with economic decisions made by businessmen, as well as by companies that conduct business within the country.
3. A private entrepreneur is fully responsible for the success or failure of his business.
4. The private entrepreneur pays taxes less than the corporation.
5.Decision making is divided into the following stages: problem definition, its analysis, evaluation of alternative solutions, choice of the most favorable solution and introduction of the chosen method.
6.Marketing includes such operations as: transportation, warehousing, pricing and sale of goods.
7. Enterprises and farms that produce agricultural products can pay a single agricultural tax.
8.The Ministry of Finance is responsible for collecting taxes to the state budget.
9. The Federal Agency for Economic and Tax Offenses is responsible for the disclosure of tax violations.
10. The Federal Tax Service is responsible for the collection of taxes.
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