Предмет: Химия, автор: minmina2001

Чем отличаются эти две реакции?
1)Na2Sio3+2HCL= 2NaCL + H2SiO3 2)Na2SiO3 + 2HCl → SiO2 + 2NaCl + H2O


Автор ответа: NickMAGISTR
Первая реакция проходит если соляная кислота разбавленная, а вторая если концентрированная
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: msibatov
1. Установите соответствие между текстами A–C и их темами, выбрав тему 1–5 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1) The City to See and to Hear
2) Rules for Visitors
3) New York — a Green City
4) New York in Different Seasons
New York and New Yorkers
А. Is New York dangerous? Perhaps it is, but many big cities are dangerous. Remember:
• don’t have a lot of money with you;
• don’t travel on the metro alone at night;
• stay with people late at night;
• go into the nearest hotel or shop if you suddenly feel afraid.
B. When you are going to visit New York, remember that the city can be very hot in summer and very cold in the middle of winter. Go at the right time and take the right things with you.
C. New York is always changing. You can hear it all the time. Cars and buses stop and start and policemen blow whistles at the drivers, people run between the streets and avenues. That’s New York. That’s one of the most wonderful cities in the world.

2. Дополните утвердительные предложения «хвостиками», чтобы получились разделительные вопросы
1. You are good at studying foreign languages.
2. They went to the cinema last night.
3. He doesn’t want to become a doctor.
4. I can’t do it again.
5. They have got a big family.

3. Вставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу словосочетания из списка. Не забудьте употребить глагол в нужной форме!

1. My sister always __________ in summer. 2. We _____________in the mountains in winter.
3. My brother ______________. He’s a black belt in karate. 4. Last summer we _______________ in the sea. 5. My dad _________ about 10 km every Saturday.

Словосочетания: go swimming, do martial arts, go skiing, go cycling, run

4. Раскройте скобки: вставьте глагол в Present Simple или Present Continuous

1. In summer the sun (to shine).............. brightly.
2. Run downstairs. Your sister (to wait for) ......... you.
3. I usually (to wait for)..........Tom. He is always late.
4. We (to have) .......... coffee every morning.
5. Mary (to play) ........... the piano every evening.

5. Распредели следующие географические названия в две колонки – с определенным артиклем и без.
Asia, Ben Nevis, Isle of Capri, High Street, Russian Federation, South America, Philippines, Trafalgar Square, Lake Baikal, Thames, London, People’s Republic of China, Rocky Mountains, Ireland, Pacific Ocean
Предмет: Математика, автор: Аноним