Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Olga9022
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Мария Кюри
1.Мария Склодовская родилась в Варшаве 7 ноября 1867 года
2.Мария Кюри – дважды лауреат Нобелевской премии: по физике в 1903 году и по химии в 1911 году.Марія Кюрі стала першою жінкою-лауреатом Нобелівської премії, і єдиною жінкою, що отримала цю престижну нагороду в несхожих двох областях різних наук
3.Мария Кюри – основательница институтов Кюри в Париже и в Варшаве.
4.Один из элементов, который Мария Кюри открыла вместе со своим мужем, называется полоний – в честь родины Марии – Польши.
5.Второй элемент, над открытием которого Мария Кюри трудилась вместе с мужем 12 лет, называется радий.
6.Мария Кюри на груди носила свой бессменный талисман – ампулу с радием. Работая с радиоактивными веществами, Мария Кюри не предпринимала никаких мер безопасности. При этом дожила великая женщина до 66 лет.
7. У Марии Кюри было две дочери, несмотря на то что она всю жизнь проработала с радиоактивными веществами.
8.Мария Кюри стала первой в истории университета Сорбонны женщиной-преподавателем.
9.Первая женщина, которая получила водительское удостоверение.
10.В годы Первой мировой войны Мария Кюри, вместе со старшей дочерью, которая тогда была еще подростком, ездила по госпиталям с первым рентген-аппаратом и обучала врачей делать рентген для того, чтобы более успешно проводить операции у раненых.
11.Марии Кюри - кроме открытия двух элементов, полония и радия,а также выделения радиоактивных изотопов - принадлежит введение термина «радиоактивность» и формулировка теории радиоактивности.
12.В ее честь будут называть здания, учреждения, университеты, общественные места, улицы и музеи, а ее жизни и труда опишут в произведениях искусства, книгах, биографиях и фильмах.
13.В 1934 году она умерла от хронической лучевой болезни.
Автор ответа:
Maria Curie
1. Maria Sklodovskaya was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867
2. Curie Curie - twice Nobel laureate: in physics in 1903 and in chemistry in 1911. Maria Curie became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman who received this prestigious award in unlike two areas of different sciences
3. Curie Curie is the founder of the Curie institutes in Paris and Warsaw.
4. One of the elements that Maria Curie discovered with her husband, is called polonium - in honor of the birthplace of Mary - Poland.
5. The second element, over the discovery of which Marie Curie worked with her husband for 12 years, is called radium.
6. Curie's on the chest wore her permanent talisman - an ampoule with radium. Working with radioactive substances, Maria Curie did not take any security measures. In this case, a great woman lived up to 66 years.
7. Maria Curie had two daughters, despite the fact that she had worked all her life with radioactive substances.
8. Curie Curia became the first teacher of the Sorbonne University in the history of the University.
9. The first woman who received a driving license.
10. During the First World War, Marie Curie, along with her eldest daughter, who was then a teenager, traveled to hospitals with the first X-ray machine and taught doctors to do X-rays in order to more successfully carry out operations in the wounded.
11. Curie Curie - except for the discovery of two elements, polonium and radium, as well as the isolation of radioactive isotopes - the introduction of the term "radioactivity" and the formulation of the theory of radioactivity.
12. In her honor will be called buildings, institutions, universities, public places, streets and museums, and her life and work will be described in works of art, books, biographies and films.
13. In 1934 she died of chronic radiation sickness.
1. Maria Sklodovskaya was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867
2. Curie Curie - twice Nobel laureate: in physics in 1903 and in chemistry in 1911. Maria Curie became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman who received this prestigious award in unlike two areas of different sciences
3. Curie Curie is the founder of the Curie institutes in Paris and Warsaw.
4. One of the elements that Maria Curie discovered with her husband, is called polonium - in honor of the birthplace of Mary - Poland.
5. The second element, over the discovery of which Marie Curie worked with her husband for 12 years, is called radium.
6. Curie's on the chest wore her permanent talisman - an ampoule with radium. Working with radioactive substances, Maria Curie did not take any security measures. In this case, a great woman lived up to 66 years.
7. Maria Curie had two daughters, despite the fact that she had worked all her life with radioactive substances.
8. Curie Curia became the first teacher of the Sorbonne University in the history of the University.
9. The first woman who received a driving license.
10. During the First World War, Marie Curie, along with her eldest daughter, who was then a teenager, traveled to hospitals with the first X-ray machine and taught doctors to do X-rays in order to more successfully carry out operations in the wounded.
11. Curie Curie - except for the discovery of two elements, polonium and radium, as well as the isolation of radioactive isotopes - the introduction of the term "radioactivity" and the formulation of the theory of radioactivity.
12. In her honor will be called buildings, institutions, universities, public places, streets and museums, and her life and work will be described in works of art, books, biographies and films.
13. In 1934 she died of chronic radiation sickness.
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