Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Galyaaa
2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на время, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время в переведенном предложении:
На следующий год к этому времени он уже опубликует свою книгу.
Я забыл сказать им о собрании.
К тому времени, когда я пришел стол был уже убран, и мои друзья танцевали.
Предварительные результаты выборов будут известны завтра к утру.
Слушание в апелляционном суде продолжалось уже пять часов, когда обвиняемый внезапно умер.
Судья еще не вынес приговор.
Присяжные заседатели были отобраны до начала судебного процесса.
Сейчас присяжные обсуждают вердикт.
Следователь надеется, что закончит расследование к концу недели.
Представитель защиты объявил, что закончит свое выступление к 12 часам.
Автор ответа:
1 By this time next year he will have already published his book.- Future Perfect Progressive Active
2 I forgot to tell them about the meeting- Past Simple Active Voice
3 By the time I came-( Past Simple Active Voice) the table had already been cleaned ( Past Perfect Passive Voice) and my friends were dancing ( Past Progressive Active Voice).
4 Preliminary returns of elections will have been known by tomorrow morning. -Future Perfect Passive Voice
5 The hearing of a case in the Court of Appeals had been going on ( Past Perfect Progressive Active Voice) for five hours when the accused person had suddenly died.( Past Perfect Active Voice)
6 The judge hasn’t pronounced a sentence yet. Present Perfect Active Voice
7 The members of the jury had been chosen before the trial. Past Perfect Passive Voice
8 The members of the jury are considering a verdict right now- Present Progressive Active Voice
9 The case investigator hopes( Present Simple Active Voice) he will have finished ( Future Perfect Active Voice) the investigation by the end of the week
10 The defence announced ( Past Simple Passive Voice) that he would have made( Future Perfect in the past Active Voice) his speech by 12 o’clock.
2 I forgot to tell them about the meeting- Past Simple Active Voice
3 By the time I came-( Past Simple Active Voice) the table had already been cleaned ( Past Perfect Passive Voice) and my friends were dancing ( Past Progressive Active Voice).
4 Preliminary returns of elections will have been known by tomorrow morning. -Future Perfect Passive Voice
5 The hearing of a case in the Court of Appeals had been going on ( Past Perfect Progressive Active Voice) for five hours when the accused person had suddenly died.( Past Perfect Active Voice)
6 The judge hasn’t pronounced a sentence yet. Present Perfect Active Voice
7 The members of the jury had been chosen before the trial. Past Perfect Passive Voice
8 The members of the jury are considering a verdict right now- Present Progressive Active Voice
9 The case investigator hopes( Present Simple Active Voice) he will have finished ( Future Perfect Active Voice) the investigation by the end of the week
10 The defence announced ( Past Simple Passive Voice) that he would have made( Future Perfect in the past Active Voice) his speech by 12 o’clock.
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