Предмет: Английский язык, автор: bandite

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World monuments in DANGER. • A cid rain is rain iluit contains particles of acid. It is mainly caused by burning fossil fuels. Acid rain is bad for the environment and many of the world's historic monuments are being damaged by it. • The Statue of Liberty in New York was a gift from the French people to the American people and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. Millions of people visit this great monument every year. For many years now. acid rain has been damaging the statue and has even changed its colour. The Leshan Giant Buddha is located in the eastern side of the Mui River in the Sichuan Province of China. It is 70.7 metres high. Begun in 713 AD and finished in 803 AD, the statue took people more than 90 years to carve from stone. It is the world's largest stone Buddha. It had been nearly destroyed by wind erosion and acid rain before 1963 when the Chinese government began to repair it. Nowadays, the maintenance work is still in progress in an effort to restore this beautiful monument. • The Great Sphinx in Giza is one of the most fascinating historical monuments of all and a national symbol of the ancient and modern Egypt. It was built about 4,500 years ago and is the biggest stone sculpture made by man. Every year, millions of tourists come to see the Sphinx. Unfortunately, wind, smog and acid rain are putting this wonderful monument in danger. If we want to reduce acid rain we must burn less fossil fuels. Burning coal, oil and gas releases huge amounts of sulphur into the atmosphere. This is what creates acid rain. The best way to solve the problem is to use alternative energy sources to produce our electricity. Factories which use solar and wind power instead of the traditional fossil fuels can really help the environment. Another thing we can do is make cars and other vehicles more environmentally friendly. We need to stop using petrol. Instead, we can use cars which are electrically powered or run on some other fuel. In this way, the atmosphere will be cleaner and our monuments will stay beautiful.


Автор ответа: semyonova771
1) what is anacid rain? 2) Is acid rain bad for environment? 3) A Statue of liberty was a gift from French people, wasn't it? 4) The Giant Buddha is located in the eastern or in the western side of the Mui river? 5) What was built 4500 years ago?
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