Предмет: Қазақ тiлi, автор: 1224343

1__Моя семья небольшая.Она состоит из 4 человек .Я , мама, папа дедушка.Наша семья дружная.Все праздники дни рождения мы справляем вместе.Я люблю свою семью.
Меня зовут Сабина .Мне 11 лет.Я учусь в 5 классе, посещаю Школу Исквусств, класс изобразительного Искувсства.Свободное я люблю проводить с своей семьёй.По выходным мы бассейн.Ещё я люблю общаться со своими подругами;Мы ходим к друг другу в гости ,в кафе,играем в компьютерные игры. Пожалуйста переведите)


Автор ответа: kannekiken
Менің отбасым шағын. Ол 4 адамнан тұрады.Мен,анам,әкем,атам.Біздің отбасымыз өте тату. Барлық мерекелерді бірге атап өтеміз.Мен өз потбасысы жақсы көремін.
2)Менин атым Сабина.Мен 11 жастамын.Мен 5-сыныпта оқимын, өнер мектебіне барамын, сурет салу бағыты. Бос уақытымды отбасымен бірге өткізгенді жақсы көремін .Демалыста біз бассейнге барамыз. Және мен құрбыларыммен сөйлескенді жақсы көремін. Біз бір бірімізге қонаққа келеміз,кафеге,компьютер ойнаймыз.
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Circle the correct options in italics. Sometimes more than one option is possible.

1. At the moment many new hotels are built /are being built.
2. Medical tourism is a sector that grows / has been growing rapidly in recent years.
3. Many jobs are created / are being created in the hotel industry at the present time.
4. The castle converts / is being converted into a residential conference centre.
5. Tourists now become / are now becoming more critical and the demand for better quality service has increased / has been increasing.
6. Next month we will offer / will be offering a special discount on weekend breaks to Venice.
7. The cost of living has risen / has been rising rapidly over the last six months.
8. People who travel / are travelling frequently may fulfil / may be fulfilling a desire to escape their cultural background.

Circle the option In italics that is wrong or does not make sense in each sentence.

1. Festival goers boosted passenger numbers gradually / significantly during the week of the arts festival.
2. Looking at the graph, I am struck by the slight /dramatic surge in reservations in July.
3. Passenger traffic dipped steadily / slightly last weekend compared to the same weekend last year.
4. Airlines have had to contend with a modest /sharp hike in fuel prices, up by 15 percent.
5. The number of overseas visitors went up in the last quarter and is still on the rise / levelled off.
6. Job growth in the travel industry has outpaced / declined all other sectors of the economy.