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Sergei Esenin is the great Russian lyricist. Much of his works is poetry and lyrics about everyday life and household of peasants. He was born in September 21, 1895 in the Ryazan province, the Konstantinovka village. That is why his works mostly devoted to love to his country and its people. Sergei’s parents were quite poor, so the young man was not flush with money and pampered.
From the earliest days of the writing Esenin includes in works such themes as homeland and revolution. For the first time his verses ("Birch", "Blacksmith", etc.) were reported in press in January 1914. Since December, 1914 the poet surrendered himself to completely to art, lost a job and write all day. The art world becomes more complicated, multidimensional, and biblical imagery and Christian motifs plays a large part. The most famous works are: "The black man", "Anna Snegina","Pugachev", "Goodbye my friend, goodbye...", "Hooligan's confession", "Letter to women"
In December 1924 Gaidar left the army due to illness after injury and concussion. He began to write books. In this case, his assistants were K. Fedin, M. Slonimsky and S. Semenov, who dealt with him every line, criticized him and explained the basics of literary mastery.
In the autumn of 1932 Gaidar decided to settle in Moscow. In those days, he was still little known and not rich