Предмет: Русский язык, автор: валя2904

2 простых предложение на тему наш класс

валя2904: напишите пожалуйста 2 простых предложения на тему "наш класс"


Автор ответа: diana01230123
Наш класс очень дружный.
В нашем классе 25 учеников.
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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: kyst1zeleniy
Наша азбука существует давно, и за долгие годы в ней произошло немало изменений.
В каких предложениях "прячутся" старые названия букв русской азбуки?
Хотя это очень маленький червь, скорее червячок, с него без всякого преувеличения начинается новая эра в биологии (Л. Киселев).
Молодого физика в грозу ударила молния ― через месяц он блестяще защитил диссертацию (С. Лесков).
А тут вдруг выдвигают свежую мысль, что, несмотря на это прискорбное обстоятельство, мыться всё-таки надо (О. Щукин).
Ижица в халате и турецкой феске стоял посреди двора, сердито топал ногами и размахивал руками (А. Чехов).
Маслов вырвал из его рук трость, ферт ударился в бегство (А. Алдан-Семенов).
Во время разговора она не сводила с неё глаз, как бы боясь пропустить любое её движение или слово (Ю. Домбровский).
Смотрел поверх серо-ржавых шиферин на свежую зелень бора, на голубое высокое небо с редкими маленькими облачками (Р. Сенчин).
…От тёплого осеннего солнца, от горькой усталости этих дней старушку то и дело одолевала дрёма (Ф. Искандер).
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: GoLd12300
пожалуйста переведите!
Once there were three children that lived happily with their parents in Q nice, big house in London. Their names were Roberta, who was always called Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis. Then, onc day, their lives changed. Their father WQS token away for Q crime he didn't commit.
While the children's father was away. the family became very poor. Their m other wrote stories ands Md them to magazines but they didn't pay her much m oney. At last, the family were so poor they didn't have enough Dloney .to liv~ in London in a big house. They moved to the countryside and lived in a much smoller house.
Their new house was on Q hiU neor the railway line. The children explored the a rea around the railway and found out lots of things about trains. T hey m et the people that worked at the station and made friends with onc oflhe passengers. They had many adventures there. And on one very important do y, they even sa ved a train from having an accident ...
One day, the children were wallcing along the top of the hills beside the railway line. It was very rocky on the hill, but flowers, plants and trees grew among the rocks. The children were standing and looking down at the railway below when suddenly they heard a noise.
Peter pointed to the other side of the railway line. "Look!" he shouted. "The trees are moving!"The girls looked and saw that part of the hill on the other side of the railway line was falling away. Rocks, stones, earth and trees were moving down the hillside. Soon, a big rock crashed down onto the railway line below. "There are rocks and trees all over the railway line!" said Phyllis. "If 0 train comes now, there will be 0 terrible accident!" "You're right," said Peter. "And look 01 the time. It's already 11 o'clock. There's olways a train here at 11.29. We must go to the railway stOlion and tell them." "But there isn't time," said Bobbie. "The sta(ion's tOO for away. The train will be here in thirty minutes." The children looked at each other. They were frightened.
Предмет: География, автор: sasha42045