Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ScatS

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Мы знаем более 850 000 различных видов насекомых. У многих есть интересные истории из жизни. Вот некоторые из них.
Пчелы — социальные насекомые - живут в больших группах или колониях. В каждой колонии есть матка и рабочие пчелы. Рабочие пчелы летают и собирают нектар с цветов. Люди часто говорят «занят как пчела» о ком-то, у кого много работы. Муравьи тоже социальные насекомые. Они являются создателями колоний и живут на Земле около 100 миллионов лет. Большинство муравьев без крыльев, но у их королев обычно есть крылья. Рабочие муравье добывают еду для королев.
Бабочки - летающие насекомые. Все бабочки начинают свою жизнь как гусеницы, которые появляются из яиц. Затем гусеница превращается в куколку, из которой выходит бабочка. У стрекоз, жуков, божьих коровок и моли есть свои интересные и необычные истории.


Автор ответа: qqwwiill
We know more than 850,000 different species of insects. Many have interesting stories from life. Here are some of them.Bees are social insects live in large groups or colonies. Each colony has a Queen and worker bees. Worker bees fly about and collect nectar from the flowers. People often say "busy like a bee" about someone who has a lot of work. Ants are also social insects. They are the creators of colonies and live on Earth for about 100 million years. Most ants have no wings, but their Queens usually have wings. Worker ants get food to the Queens.Butterflies are flying insects. All butterflies begin life as caterpillars that hatch from the eggs. Then the caterpillar turns into a pupa, from which the butterfly leaves. Dragonflies, beetles, ladybugs and moths have their own interesting and unusual stories.
Автор ответа: StephanieFrost
We know more than 850 000 different kinds of insects. Many have interesting stories from life. Here are some of them.Bees - social insects - live in large groups or colonies. Each colony has a queen and working bees. Working bees fly and collect nectar from flowers. People often say "busy as a bee" about someone who has a lot of work. Ants are also social insects. They are the creators of the colonies and live on Earth for about 100 million years. Most ants are without wings, but their queens usually have wings. The working ants get food for queens.Butterflies are flying insects. All butterflies begin their life as caterpillars that emerge from eggs. Then the caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, from which the butterfly emerges. Dragonflies, beetles, ladybirds and moths have their own interesting and unusual stories.

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