Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Rafraf1

срочно напишите Сочинение повествование "Зима" На 200 слов

Аноним: А можно не про зиму а про лес зимой
Rafraf1: ок
Rafraf1: ответь пожалуйста ты пишешь ?
Аноним: Да
Rafraf1: ОК спасибо за ответ
Аноним: Пожалуйста


Автор ответа: Аноним
Лес зимой
Как прекрасен зимний лес! Деревья одеваются в белые сарафаны, земля укрыта чистым снегом ,только выделяются следы зверей и птиц. Воздух приятный ,свежий, дышится легко. Изредка промелькнёт пушистая белочк , прыгая с ветки на ветку. Она с осени заготовила в дупле орешки , семячки, поэтому сыта и весела. Голодные волки рыщут по лесу в поиске еды, шустрые зайцы спасаются от врагов бегством. В лесу тихо , спокойно, морозно.
Дети и взрослые проложили лыжню и наслаждаются красотами зимнего леса.
Жизнь в лесу не замирает,а наполняется новыми звуками и красками. Я очень люблю зимний лес !

Аноним: А почему никто не ставит спасибо к этому замечательному ответу ??????
Аноним: Вообще то она написала правильно тупица ты
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Gorkaya2437
Answer the questions
1.Who usually enters the medical college?
2.When was the college founded?
3.What faculties are there in the college?
4.Where do the students have practical training and theory?
5.What subjects do the students study?
6.What should the students master during the course?
7.What do the students do after finishing the course?вот это еще​
Every year many young people who really love medicine enter our medical college. It is one of the most
popular educational establishment in our city. The medical college was founded in 1991 on the base of the
medical school 3.The medical school appeared from the military school, which was evacuated from
Leningrad in 1942. This school existed up to 1957. Then it became the civil medical school 3, later it
became the medical college. Our college has four faculties: 1) nursing faculty, 2) pharmaceutical faculty, 3)
clinical faculty, 4) doctor’s assistant laboratory faculty.
Our students are future medical workers. They have an excellent opportunity for getting
education. There are special well-equipped classrooms for theoretical and practical studies. Students learn
pre-clinical and clinical subjects, such as Human Anatomy, Latin language, Pharmacology, Microbiology,
Surgery and so on. Our students have practical training at different clinics and hospitals, because it is the
main part of the course. The students work at laboratories and make analysis for their scientific work.
Each college’s year consists of two terms. At the end of the term students take exams and credit-tests.
Many students get scholarships. Some students live at the hostel, the others with their relatives. Our
students take an active part in the life of the college. During the course of studies the students master the
basis of theoretical and practical medicine.Finishing the course the students take state examinations in

three or four main subjects. When they pass their exams, they become medical workers and begin their
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: blackeagle10